Dr. Christopher M. Clayton's PortaPortal for Educators
Toolkit designed to help school leaders and teachers create thoughtful guidance to help their communities with AIhttps://www.teachai.org/toolkit
A Comprehensive Human-Centered AI Guidance for WA K–12 Public Schoolshttps://ospi.k12.wa.us/student-success/resources-subject-area/human-centered-artificial-intelligence-schools
AI Tool for teachers to help lesson plan, differentiate, write assessments, write IEPs, communicate, & morehttps://www.magicschool.ai/
Incredible tool for teachers to use AI to help lesson plan, differentiate, write assessments, write IEPs, communicate & morehttps://www.youtube.com/@magicschoolai/playlists
Awesome AI in Education Sitehttps://www.aiforeducation.io/ai-resources-main
AI Chrome Extension to help teachers with curriculum, feedback, differentiation, & more from apps and websites you already usehttps://www.briskteaching.com/
a variety of prompts to help teachers lesson plan and do administrative tasks with GenAI chatbothttps://www.aiforeducation.io/prompt-library
Guide for teachers & ChatGPT—includes suggested prompts, how ChatGPT works & limitations, & efficacy of AI detectors & biashttps://openai.com/blog/teaching-with-ai
A comprehensive Toolkit for Educators looking to integrate AI tools and policy into their classroomshttps://www.thinglink.com/card/1766878963327566692
Toolkit with "everything you need to teach AI with ease"https://www.aiedu.org/teach-ai
Classroom guides (elementary, secondary, elective) for teachers w/ innovative resources about teaching w/ AIhttps://www.iste.org/areas-of-focus/AI-in-education
Includes AI product ratings & reviews, AI literacy curricula, original research, & morehttps://www.commonsensemedia.org/ai
This special report addresses questions & provides guidance for how schools should handle the growing role of AIhttps://www.edweek.org/technology/what-students-really-need-to-learn-about-ai?utm_source=nl&utm_medium=eml&utm_campaign=eu&M=6804672&UUID=5b6751aea488feb7e61c7c37c3621a7c&T=9103261
Dan demonstrating how powerful this could be for students. Included are examples for: History, Spanish, Science, Businesshttps://www.linkedin.com/posts/theaieducator_chatgpt-ai-aiclassroom-activity-7112528889775599616-V8Y4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios
Fantastic resource for Educators to leverage CHATGPT to their benefithttps://alicekeeler.com/2023/03/09/100-prompts-for-teachers-to-ask-chatgpt/
Penn Prof provides a thought-provoking look at the evolving landscape of AI in education.https://www.oneusefulthing.org/p/post-apocalyptic-education?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=2qyjav&triedRedirect=true
Explores how instructors can leverage AI to create personalized learning experiences to transform teaching & learninghttps://shorturl.at/JS31v
Stay updated with Al newshttps://www.linkedin.com/company/genai-center/
Articles such as "Using AI to Help Organize Lesson Plans", "6 Ways to Use ChatGPT to Save Time" and morehttps://www.edutopia.org/search?query=%22Artificial%20Intelligence%22
Montgomery County Intermediate Unit Learning Network blog post for an introduction to key AI concepts and strategieshttps://learn.mciu.org/ai-key-terms/
This resources shows how a secondary English teacher incorporates AI into a specific homework processhttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1NIcsXp2Omvm2XmMNtoTu9-Aez-PGJ6rj5J2l8iw5Vkc/mobilebasic?usp=gmail
A free 1.5hr webinar webinar that tackles some of the biggest opportunities and challenges on the horizon for education with AIhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u86Z8l2dq-U&t=1s
This is a paid course for educators looking to build a successful writing practice for students in the age of AIhttps://www.whytheycantwrite.com/
AI-ChatGPT In Focus FINAL (002).pdf
My The Future is Happening as We Speak-Technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education Today Presentation.pdf
A Repository For AI Tools In Education for Educatorshttps://aieducator.tools/
One-stop shop for exploring over 1700 AI tools across various categories & functionalitieshttps://www.futuretools.io/
1700+ AI tools and colabs Search, filter, explore to find your perfect AI toolhttps://library.phygital.plus/
An all-in-one AI platform for your classroom. Designed for K12 students with built-in monitoring & controls for teachers.https://schoolai.com/
AI Chrome Extension to help teachers with curriculum, feedback, differentiation, & more from apps and websites you already usehttps://www.briskteaching.com/
Google AI version of ChatGPThttps://bard.google.com/
AI-powered research and writing assistant that works best with the sources you uploadhttps://notebooklm.google.com/
AI platform offers blend of ChatGPT & Google allowing users to ask questions and receive credible, up-to-date answershttps://www.perplexity.ai/
Khan Academy's AI-guided lesson planning and student feedback toolhttps://www.khanacademy.org/khan-labs#khanmigo
Generate a ready-to-play lesson in seconds with AI Tool specifically for Educatorshttps://curipod.com/
AI tool for teachers to get “just right” instructional materials, saving time & helping students access grade level contenthttps://web.diffit.me/
Collection of simple, single-task AI tools to help neurodivergent people with tasks they find difficulthttps://goblin.tools/
AI tool to give students ability to record voice & visually represent thinking on whiteboard & get feedbackhttps://copilot.microsoft.com/
AI tool to present ideas, create beautiful, engaging content without the formatting & design work.https://gamma.app/?lng=en
Free AI Tool for Generated Discussion Promptshttps://new.parlayideas.com/
AI tool to Upload a paper, highlight confusing text, get an explanation to make easier to read.https://www.explainpaper.com/
Free science & math simulations for teaching STEM topics, including physics, chemistry, biology, & math, from UC Boulder.https://phet.colorado.edu/
AI-powered text editor helps you write, edit, and cite with confidence.https://jenni.ai/
AI meeting assistant that records audio, writes notes, automatically captures slides, and generates summaries.https://otter.ai/
Paraphraser takes your sentences and makes changes, helping you to rework & rephrase writing quickly and efficientlyhttps://quillbot.com/
Create presentations 10x faster. Save hours of work & mental energy. Works with PowerPoint & Google Slideshttps://slidesgpt.com/
AI tool where tchrs input reading & it writes Essential ?s, Learning Outcomes, & aligned ?s, which you can exporthttps://www.questionwell.org/
Words & phrases transform into beautiful images with Text to Image, Canva's AI image generatorhttps://www.canva.com/ai-image-generator/
AI Presentation Maker to create slideshows that suit your own needshttps://slidesgo.com/ai-presentations#rs=banner-top
100 AI Tools Doc.pdf
Tool to build AI-powered apps with no-coding requiredhttps://partyrock.aws/
Creative AI teaching partner that answers questions & creates lesson plans, assessments, performance tasks, rubrics, & morehttps://upvir.al/143018/lp143018
Upload your any audio or video file and VoicePen will generate a blog post + transcription using AI.https://voicepen.ai/
Power through docs, articles, PDFs, email — anything you read — by listening with our leading text-to-speech reader.https://speechify.com/
AI tool which removes filler sounds, stuttering and mouth sounds from your podcast or audio recording.https://cleanvoice.ai/
uses advanced AI music generation techniques to compose unique mood-based music to suit every part of your video or podcast.https://www.beatoven.ai/
a web application that lets you cleanup photos with a quick & simple interface.https://cleanup.pictures/
Make short videos from long ones instantly. Create social ready short clips from your long videos with AI.https://vidyo.ai/
An AI system that can create realistic images and art from a description in natural languagehttps://openai.com/product/dall-e-2
Generative ai presentation software for quickly creating presentationshttps://www.beautiful.ai/
AI tool to write outline and presentation content for you to easily create professional, engaging slides from text quicklyhttps://www.slidesai.io/
Generate custom decodables within seconds. Or select from 1000+ grab-and-go decodables.https://www.litlab.ai/
scaffolds student learning & builds lifelong writing & reading skills for students in grades 3-12https://www.writable.com/
researched, award-winning educational simulations/gaming on US history learninghttps://www.mission-us.org/
Designed for CS educators, it offers instant, insightful project assessmentshttps://code.org/ai/teaching-assistant
"the industry leading AI content detection tool to help check AI content generated with ChatGPT, GPT-4, Bard and many more"https://gowinston.ai/
A free AI detection tool that is specifically designed for student writing.https://gptzero.me/
A paid AI detection tool to detect AI content that has been paraphrased or rewritten and plagiarism checkerhttps://originality.ai/
AI-based text analysis to help create and protect original contenthttps://copyleaks.com/
A tool for educators to detect AI, plagiarism, and help students to use AI appropriatelyhttps://passed.ai/
A comprehensive suite of products of AI toolshttps://copyleaks.com/
Helps you find detectable traces of AI and remove them.https://aidetector.pro/
Toolkit to provide guidance to educator help their communities develop thoughtful AI policy guidancehttps://www.teachai.org/toolkit
Guide to provide guidance to school leaders starting to develop AI Policyhttps://www.aiforeducation.io/ai-resources/ai-policy-guide-school?trk=public_post_comment-text
Comprehensive Human-Centered AI Guidance for WA K–12 Public Schoolshttps://ospi.k12.wa.us/student-success/resources-subject-area/human-centered-artificial-intelligence-schools
National Guide for the responsible & ethical use of generative AI tools in ways that benefit students, schools, & societyhttps://www.education.gov.au/schooling/resources/australian-framework-generative-artificial-intelligence-ai-schools
A Review of the guidance documents from 7 states (CA, NC, OH, OR, VA, WA & WV) on how to approach AI in education todayhttps://digitalpromise.dspacedirect.org/server/api/core/bitstreams/654a148a-25c4-4eec-bb8e-2fd1948130a5/content
Framework for making choices on AI tolls that will benefit your school, classroom, & studentshttp://tinyurl.com/ndz4uhfh
A Free public digital library of open educational resources to explore, create, and collaborate with educators around the worldhttps://www.oercommons.org/
Open AI Platform that uses AI to produce produces entirely fluent, competent (though dull) prose on just about any prompthttps://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/
Phenomenal site for teachers focused on developing blended learning & best practices for remote learning.https://sites.google.com/view/curatorofcreativity/blended-learning?authuser=0
Great article on how teachers can build "playlists" for students in blended and hybrid learning modelshttps://catlintucker.com/2020/11/building-a-playlist/
A Google-led initiative that gives educators free, secure tools are designed to enable collaborative teaching and learninghttps://www.teachfromhome.google/intl/en/
Great for Instructional Designhttps://catlintucker.com/2020/03/designing-an-online-lesson/
Great Advice for Instructional Designhttps://elearnmag.acm.org/featured.cfm?aid=3310383
New Educator Card Resource Guide.pdf
Article with tips for giving direct instruction to small groups, whether students are in the classroom or learning at home.https://www.edutopia.org/article/strategies-improving-small-group-instruction
The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)'s Hub on resource for online learninghttps://bit.ly/2V8Iq0L
ALERT FAQ Remote Learning and Hybrid Learning Considerations 8.07.20.pdf
Shift to Remote Instruction and Digital Learning.pdf
Tool for teachers to help lesson plan, differentiate, write assessments, write IEPs, communicate, & morehttps://www.magicschool.ai/
Special Ed and Covid-19 closures.pdf
FERPA and Coronavirus Frequently Asked Questions.pdf
IDEA covid-19-03-12-2020.pdf
WEA's Equity Guidelines for COVID 19 Continuous Education PDF.pdf
PDE's Hub of resources for: a. Digital Platform, b. Non-Digital Platform, c. State Funded Equity Grantshttps://www.education.pa.gov/Schools/safeschools/emergencyplanning/COVID-19/ContinuityEducation/Pages/default.aspx
Thousands of educational & entertaining videos, from Sesame Street for preschoolers to NOVA for high school studentshttps://learningathomepa.org/
PDE resources for Career, Dance, ELA, Math, STEM, ELL, Finance, SS, Sci, Arts, World Lang, & Aghttp://www.pdesas.org/Home/FeaturedContent?contentItemId=741736
Site to create assessments to help you gain a better understanding of your students’ mastery. Create PA Core aligned assessmentshttp://www.pdesas.org/Assessment/Assessment/AssessmentQuestions
Free, downloadable, PA Core-aligned digital curriculum access for non-Apple deviceshttp://www.pdesas.org/Page?pageId=30
A Free public digital library of open educational resources to explore, create, and collaborate with educators around the worldhttps://www.oercommons.org/
Phenomenal Resource of Ed Tech Explorers and Connoisseurshttps://www.cultofpedagogy.com/category/technology/
Amazing comprehensive, interactive distance learning resource for educatorshttps://sites.google.com/nearpod.com/coronavirus/educator-resources/nearpod?authuser=0
This site allows students to create "Live" virtual binders where they create the tabshttp://www.livebinders.com
Free gamified quizzes for every subject. You can pick an existing quiz or create your own review, formative assessment, etchttps://quizizz.com/
A new take on trivia and review games that offers a variety of games to keep students engaged and excitedhttps://www.blooket.com/
Tool to engage and empower student voice by recording and sharing short videoshttps://blog.flipgrid.com/news/remotelearning
Free tech tool for teachers enable them to share YouTube videos with students in classroom in a safe and friendly wayhttps://video.link/
A comprehensive resource page to help educators connect with students digitally. Expert reviews and ratings to k-12 resources.https://www.commonsense.org/education/
Updated daily with real-world news from major publications, students can participate in conversation about the most urgent topichttps://newsela.com/
Your Modern Classroom starter kit: explore strategies, practices, and templates that you can use in your own classroom today!https://learn.modernclassrooms.org/courses/essentials
Site has daily "I Wonder" articles about interesting phenomena in science, social studies, math, and other subject areashttp://www.wonderopolis.org/
Digital games designed to help improve student understanding of often misunderstood scientific concepts.http://possibleworlds.edc.org
A "backchannel" digital discussion tool that helps improve classrooms, presentations, Socratic seminars, movies and silent activhttps://backchannelchat.com/
Secure, real-time communication in one powerful push-to-talk (PTT) app. Works with iPhone, Android, and the web.https://www.voxer.com/
A Free Game-Based Platform Enables More Meaningful, Playful And Powerful Experiences, In Classrooms And Beyond.https://getkahoot.com
Allows Teachers to create digital, self-checking, interactive activities and self-grading quizzes.https://wow.boomlearning.com/
A creative and highly collaborative digital tool that provides students and educators an easy and engaging way to create andhttps://padlet.com/
A web app to collect images, PDFs, and Google Docs from students & leave text and audio comments that lead to conversationshttps://www.floopedu.com/
An app-based tool for teachers to create student-driven digital portfolios and simple parent communicationhttps://web.seesaw.me/
A vast library of interactive online simulations for math and science in grades 3-12 called "Gizmos"http://www.explorelearning.com/
Allows users to quickly create professional digital posters, designs, flyers & educational contenthttp://www.posterini.com/
The site for Minecraft for Educationhttps://education.minecraft.net/
An online educational community where learners around the world connect & collaborate on projects that often focus on issueshttp://www.epals.com/#/connections
Simple NCTE tool that allows to create visual digital timelineshttp://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/timeline_2/
Great, simple tool that allows educators to insert instructional content on any web page.https://insertlearning.com/
A Web Whiteboard is a touch-friendly online whiteboard app that makes drawing, collaboration and sharing easy.https://awwapp.com/
A visual bookmarking tool that makes it simple to organize your favorite websites & share online resources with othershttps://www.symbaloo.com/home/mix/13eOcPegXh
A free a drawing tool that employs AI to transform rough sketches, scribbles, & doodles into innovative, conventional iconshttps://www.autodraw.com/
Tool to create an infographic to represent or teach about an idea or concepthttps://piktochart.com/
Use live polls, quizzes, word clouds, Q&As and more to get real-time input - regardless if you’re remote, hybrid or face-to-facehttps://www.mentimeter.com/
Support deep, meaningful learning with an online universe of authentic resources and tools for making them your own.https://learninglab.si.edu/
students can create customized tours that combine photos, text, and targeted locations on Google Earthhttps://tourbuilder.withgoogle.com/
Lets students read/annotate PDFs w/ comments, audio & emojis. Teacher creates a “reading” (text, images, questions) for studentshttps://edji.it/#/home
PDF & document annotation app to improve engagement and interaction with studentshttps://www.kamiapp.com/
Resource for Teaching with podcasts to teach content, language, and grow listening skills that integrate into your instructionhttps://listenwise.com/
The online collaborative whiteboard platform to bring teams together, anytime, anywhere.https://miro.com/
Free classroom timers, random name pickers, fun classroom games, etc.https://www.online-stopwatch.com/
A Google Slides Add-on to add formative assessments and interactive questions to your presentations right from Google Slideshttps://www.peardeck.com/googleslides
Resource that is easy to use to make Podcasts for teachers and studentshttps://anchor.fm/
Simple tool for teachers and students to create digital bookshttps://bookcreator.com/
Way to represent a content-related topic using paper or with a drawing apphttps://sketch.io/sketchpad/
Sketchnoting is a form of note-taking that involves bringing more visuals into the process compared to typical note-takinghttps://www.verbaltovisual.com/what-is-sketchnoting/
a web-based tool that allows teachers to create digital formative assessments/assignments accessible from any electronic devicehttps://goformative.com/
Tool to create stop action movies with unique featureshttps://www.cateater.com/
A website built to help teachers learn how to teach with technology and enhance student learning.http://edtechteacher.org/
Tool to create Social Graphics, short videos, and websiteshttps://spark.adobe.com/
Free Website Builderhttps://www.weebly.com/
Another free website builderhttps://www.wix.com/
Google's website builderhttps://sites.google.com/u/0/new?authuser=0
Comprehensive website with resources for educators to help teach online and virtuallyhttps://nikfischetti.weebly.com/
Instructional tech platform for teachers to facilitate, measure, and assess student-driven discussions – in person and onlinehttps://parlayideas.com/
Free resource for educators w/ exercises, quizzes, tests & instructional videos to help learn materialhttps://keeplearning.khanacademy.org/
NY's "Open Resource" with Common Core Assessment, Curriculum, & Instruction resources, all free.https://www.engageny.org/
A comprehensive online toolbox of info, vetted resources, and interactive tools, is state of Florida’s official curricula sourcehttps://www.cpalms.org/Public/
Free CC standards-aligned PreK-12 resources sequenced by experts in curriculum design and instructionhttps://www.unbounded.org/
Amazing cross-curricular resource with templates and complete units for educatorshttps://ldc.org/ldc-curricula
Texts & videos for ELA, Science, and Social Studies with scaffolds & higher-order questionshttps://www.activelylearn.com/
A learning platform that includes video lessons, assessments, and progress reporting all focused on Common Core standards.https://learnzillion.com/resources/73932
Resources for Common Core Performance Based Math Assessment & Instruction Resourceshttps://www.illustrativemathematics.org/distance-learning/
Countable makes it quick and easy to understand the laws Congress is considering provides access to contacting legislatorshttps://www.countable.us/
A wonderful resource for home-school connection & support. Already has letters developed and ready to be sent home in Spanish!https://www.ceismc.gatech.edu/csi/
This site allows you to pull up a newspaper from anywhere in the world then translate it into English.https://newspapermap.com/
Explore museums from around the world, discover and view hundreds of artworks at incredible zoom levels, and even create & sharehttp://www.google.com/culturalinstitute/project/art-project
Over 2,000 free reading passages for grades 3-12 with aligned interim assessments, growth-oriented data, & prof developmenthttps://www.commonlit.org/
free online platform to explore math in new and exciting ways. Free Calculators, math tools, curriculum, and activities.https://www.desmos.com/
Free tech tool for teachers enable them to share YouTube videos with students in classroom in a safe and friendly wayhttps://video.link/
Discover Channelhttps://www.youtube.com/user/DiscoveryEducation
Engaging video, activities. and interactive learning games for teachers to use with their studentshttps://www.brainpop.com/
Smart videos for curious minds of all ageshttps://thekidshouldseethis.com/
urated FREE, standards-aligned videos, interactives, lesson plans, and more for teachershttps://witf.pbslearningmedia.org/
Expert reviews and hand-picked lists for quality entertainment and tech.https://www.commonsensemedia.org/
Video source to educate yourself, your classmates, and your family on YouTube!https://thecrashcourse.com/
Great five-minute videos (often science focused) for your classroomhttps://mysterydoug.com/
TED's education initiative — makes short video lessons worth sharing, aimed at educators and studentshttps://www.ted.com/watch/ted-ed
Videos for movement and mindfulness videos created by child development experts.https://www.gonoodle.com/
A collection of math songs and videohttps://numberock.com/
A free tech tool for teachers which enable them to watch and share YouTube videos with students in classroom in a safe wayhttps://safeyoutube.net/
A video recording tool that helps you create shareable videos using your camera, microphone, and desktop simultaneously.https://support.loom.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002158057-What-is-Loom-
Fantastic site for creating your own video clips, including editing and adding questions to video clipshttps://edpuzzle.com/home
Resource to create interactive video so learners explore & apply new material at their own pace in a digital settinghttps://go.playposit.com/
Teach, present, sketchnote, create videos, & work together all in one complete online and mobile whiteboard app.https://explaineverything.com/
Flexible versatile tripods that are compact and available in sizes to fit small point & shoot cameras/cell phoneshttps://joby.com/us-en/gorillapod-flexible-camera-tripods/
Google Suite's free digital whiteboard that offers a rich collaborative experience for teams and classrooms.https://jamboard.google.com/
A Web Whiteboard is a touch-friendly online whiteboard app that makes drawing, collaboration and sharing easy.https://awwapp.com/
OSPI Student Learning and Grading Guidance_4-21-2020 (1).pdf
A cloud-based service for originality checking, online grading and peer review saves instructors time and provides rihttp://www.turnitin.com
Free resource for educators w/ exercises, quizzes, tests & instructional videos to help learn materialhttps://keeplearning.khanacademy.org/
My list of applications for educators to consider broken out by categoryApps for Educators_1.docx
An awesome "Wheel" of apps that align with the SAMR & Bloom's Taxonomy levelsPadWheel_Poster_V4_2.pdf
This post summarizes 8 key points from the research on effective note-taking practices, including with video contenthttps://www.cultofpedagogy.com/note-taking/
Great explanation and examples of powerful Cornell Note-taking systemhttp://coe.jmu.edu/learningtoolbox/cornellnotes.html
Video and resources about effective Sketchnoting practiceshttps://www.verbaltovisual.com/what-is-sketchnoting/
Flipped Classroom articles, resources and strategies for educatorshttp://www.flippedclassroomworkshop.com
Site where students can teach and learn practical digital skills using free project-based video curriculum with ready-to-use vidhttps://applieddigitalskills.withgoogle.com/
An up-to-date search index for information on learning technology that support teaching and learning
Free service to educators help discover the best apps, games, and websites for classroom use.http://www.graphite.org
A free public digital library of open educational resources to explore, create, and collaborate with educators around the worldhttps://www.oercommons.org/
Open AI Platform that uses AI to produce produces entirely fluent, competent (though dull) prose on just about any prompthttps://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/
Countable makes it quick and easy to understand the laws Congress is considering. We also streamline the process of contacting yhttps://www.countable.us/
Tool allows you to combine the animation features of a Prezi presentation with a talking-head videohttps://prezi.com/video/
Augmented reality app that allows you Google something you’re looking at, something you don’t know the name ofhttps://lens.google.com/
Beautifully designed platform where users can digital portfolios different purposes and organize them into collections.https://my.bulbapp.com/
mote enables voice note feedback within Google Classroom, Google Docs & morehttps://www.justmote.me/
Create grids of questions or topics using text or video and share your questions with whomever you like. Your audience then resphttps://info.flipgrid.com/
Allows users to create and play awesome multiplayer quiz games, both in class and at home.http://quizizz.com/
Explore museums from around the world, discover and view hundreds of artworks at incredible zoom levels, and even create and shahttp://www.google.com/culturalinstitute/project/art-project
Updated daily with real-world news from major publications, students can participate in conversation about the most urgent topichttps://www.newsela.com/
The site for Minecraft for Educationhttps://education.minecraft.net/
This site allows students to create "Live" virtual binders where they create the tabshttp://www.livebinders.com
An educational YouTube channel started by the Green brothers, Hank Green and John Green, who are notable for their VlogBrothershttps://www.youtube.com/user/crashcourse
Site has daily "I Wonder" articles about interesting phenomena in science, social studies, math, and other subject areashttp://www.wonderopolis.org/
A Free Game-Based Platform Enables More Meaningful, Playful And Powerful Experiences, In Classrooms And Beyond.https://getkahoot.com
Fantastic site for editing and adding questions to video clipshttps://edpuzzle.com
Allows users to find and use video and create interactive questions and content within themhttps://www.playposit.com/
Site designed to empower users to create amazing infographicshttps://magic.piktochart.com/templates
Simple tool that allows to create visual digital timelineshttp://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/timeline_2/
This site allows you to pull up a newspaper from anywhere in the world then translate it into English.http://www.newspapermap.com
Gapminder is a non-profit venture – a modern “museum” on the Internet – promoting sustainable global development and achievementhttp://www.gapminder.org
A vast library of interactive online simulations for math and science in grades 3-12 called "Gizmos"http://www.explorelearning.com/
An online library of educational hip-hop songs and videos for grades K-12 to engage and inspire student vocabulary development.https://www.flocabulary.com
Digital games designed to help improve student understanding of often misunderstood scientific concepts.http://possibleworlds.edc.org
A Suite of Free Productivity Tools for Classroom Collaborationhttps://www.google.com/edu/
A Free, cross-disciplinary classroom resource featuring interactive timelines, archival videos and downloadable historic front phttp://newseum.org/digital-classroom/default.aspx
An interactive, graphic Solar System model websitehttp://www.solarsystemscope.com
Visual Thesaurus is an interactive dictionary and thesaurus which creates word maps that blossom with meanings and branch to relhttp://www.visualthesaurus.com
TumbleBook is an online collection of TumbleBooks – animated, talking picture books which teach kids the joy of reading in a fhttp://www.tumblebooks.com/
A learning platform that includes video lessons, assessments, and progress reporting all focused on Common Core standards.https://learnzillion.com/resources/73932
This site is a PHENOMENAL portal to a treasure trove of vetted and fantastic digital resources. Try it!http://www.curriculum21.com/clearinghouse/
A wonderful research, writing, and bibliography tool for students and teachershttp://www.easybib.com
ZooBurst is a digital storytelling tool that lets anyone easily create his or her own 3D pop-up books.http://www.zooburst.com
Free resource for teachers to provide students a blog to publish posts and participate in academic discussions within a securehttp://kidblog.org/home/
Tool that allows users to create timelines that include text, pictures, audio clips and videos via a a one-click processhttps://www.hstry.co/
Affordable, easy-to-use resources to fill gaps left by many Reading, Writing, and Science approaches,Leveled readers spanned acrhttp://www.learninga-z.com/index.html
A "backchannel" digital discussion tool that helps improve classrooms, presentations, Socratic seminars, movies and silent activhttps://backchannelchat.com/
An informational text science/social studies database designed specifically for K-3 emergent readers and researchers featuring thttp://www.pebblego.com
An adaptive learning and Common Core Mastery platform for Grades K-8 (Math, Reading, Spelling, Vocabulary, Writinghttps://www.scootpad.com
Creates animated, curricular content that engages students and supports educatorshttp://www.brainpop.com/
A collection of world maps, where territories are re-sized on each map according to corresponding topic of interest.http://www.worldmapper.org
A kid-centric resource to help students learn computer sciences in fun and engaging ways.http://code.org/learn
Highly interactive game website & mobile app that helps with spelling and vocabulary developmenthttp://www.spellingcity.com
A creative and highly collaborative digital tool that provides students and educators an easy and engaging way to create and colhttps://padlet.com/
A cloud-based service for originality checking, online grading and peer review saves instructors time and provides rich feedbackhttp://www.turnitin.com
Link to App that reads and solves mathematical problems by using the camera of your mobile device in real-time. It makes math eahttps://photomath.net/en/
A FREE, powerful, fast math engine with a calculator app that instantly plots any equation, from lines and parabolas up throughhttps://www.desmos.com
Wolfram|Alpha is a free engine for Mathematics, computing answers and providing knowledge. It works by using its vast store of ehttp://www.wolframalpha.com/
Access to an ever-expanding universe of articles & rich media content that automatically process more than 250 million social mehttp://paper.li
Provides animation tools to create professional-looking animated explainer videos and animated presentationshttps://www.powtoon.com
an online educational community, where learners all around the world connect and collaborate on projects that often focus on isshttp://www.epals.com/#/connections
An "Algebra" game for students in a classroom combined with modern research in cognitive science and new understandings of how phttp://www.dragonboxapp.com
Tool to engage and assess students through the use of real-time questioning, result aggregation, and visualizaton for insight inhttp://socrative.com
Get the Math is about algebra in the real world. See how professionals use math in music, fashion, videogames, restaurants, baskhttp://www.thirteen.org/get-the-math
Allows users to quickly create professional digital posters, designs, flyers & educational contenthttp://www.posterini.com/
A fun interactive way to get kids moving with "brain breaks" based on brain researchhttps://www.gonoodle.com/
A single app for Classroom management, student portfolios, communication, coordination, and community buildinghttps://www.bloomz.net/
Awesome "Periodic Table" of Educational Ipad Appshttp://ictevangelist.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/PTAPPS-ICTEvangelist.png
Cool site to develop useful digital tools for your classhttp://www.classtools.net/
A free tool that helps teachers quickly and systematically grade multiple-choice or fill-in-blank assignmentshttp://www.flubaroo.com/
App that provides teachers feedback on portions of class are teacher talk, student talk, group talk, and wait timehttps://teachfx.com/
An easy way for teachers and students to create a frees websites or blogshttps://wordpress.com/
Really amazing site where you select a subject and watch the countries change size of each based on data for that subject --bothttp://show.mappingworlds.com/world/
Awesome free website from Illinois for Classrooms in Action - TECH for Teachers..http://ilclassroomtech.weebly.com
Awesome wiki space for educators looking for great digital toolshttp://usingipads.pbworks.com/w/page/46784711/Lots%20of%20digital%20tools
A YouTube Channel dedicated to making "smart stuff fun"https://www.youtube.com/wisecrack
An awesome (subscription) online library of thousands of texts and Common Core-aligned lessons that both teachers and students chttp://www.activelylearn.com/
Provides teachers way to gather evidence of student thinking using video and foster more transformative dialogue via student vidhttps://letsrecap.com/
Library of more than 2,500 educational videos, curated from across the internet "perfect for kids" covering a range of topics, thttp://thekidshouldseethis.com/
Free website targeted for 815-yr-olds, updated daily with high-interest news articles at 4 different reading levelshttp://www.tweentribune.com/
An awesome "Wheel" of apps that align with the SAMR & Bloom's Taxonomy levelsPadWheel_Poster_V4_3.pdf
A powerful, simple tool that lets teachers collect real-time formative assessment data without the need for student deviceshttps://www.plickers.com/
Tool to help teachers understand where students are struggling in reading comprehension, and provides action steps to help themhttps://www.whooosreading.org/
Breakout EDU is the immersive learning games platform. The Breakout EDU kit allows for the facilitation of games where playershttps://www.breakoutedu.com/about
The most powerful Twitter tool for real-time tracking, organizing, and engagement. Reach your audiences and discover the best ofhttps://tweetdeck.twitter.com/
Newsmap is an application that visually reflects the constantly changing landscape of the Google News news aggregator. A treemahttp://newsmap.jp/
Phenomenal set of free resources for teachers to use in classrooms, including Skype for virtual field trips, free lesson plans,https://education.microsoft.com/
Site where students can teach and learn practical digital skills using free project-based video curriculum with ready-to-use vidhttps://applieddigitalskills.withgoogle.com/
My 'Mode Switching' Presentation.pdf
A Word document containing my list of top apps for educators sorted by typeApps for Educators (17)_2.docx
An awesome "Wheel" of apps that align with the SAMR & Bloom's Taxonomy levelsPadWheel_Poster_V4_1.pdf
A site dedicated to improving the K-12 learning process through innovative, replicable, and evidence-based strategies that prepahttp://www.edutopia.org/
A phenomenal site with Blog, videos, podcasts, resources, and more all focused on effective teaching and pedagogyhttps://www.cultofpedagogy.com/
Created by Jennifer Gonzalez of Cult of Pedagogy, it’s a 300+-page digital binder you’ll use all yeahttps://teachersguidetotech.com/guide/
EdTechTEacher.com guide to finding the best student and teacher friendly appshttp://edtechteacher.org/apps/#Begin
This is a 4 minute YouTube clip explaining the SAMR Model for Teachers and Integration of Technologyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBce25r8vto&feature=youtu.be
A site whose mission is focused on helping readers become modern educators and leaders who are better informed and make better dhttps://modernlearners.com/home/
A website and blog focused on "Solving the Biggest Problem in Education Today," use of technology in educating today's students.http://ajjuliani.com/
Focused on "Innovator's Mindset"https://georgecouros.ca/blog/
Site to encourage "progressive thought processes and innovative approaches to student learning, leadership development, and parehttp://www.furmanr.com/
A site by a dynamic group of educators worldwide attempting to help colleagues transform curriculum and school designs to matchhttp://www.curriculum21.com
Awesome free website from Illinois for Classrooms in Action - TECH for Teachers..http://ilclassroomtech.weebly.com
A website built to help teachers learn how to teach with technology and enhance student learning.http://edtechteacher.org/
The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE®) is the premier nonprofit organization serving educators and educathttp://www.iste.org/
Provides resources to help teachers transition to using technology to enhance learning activities as well as collaborate and enghttp://tech.ed.gov/teachers/
A Mindshift.com piece by Carl Hookerhttp://ww2.kqed.org/mindshift/2014/03/05/how-real-world-technology-use-has-inflitrated-change-classrooms/
An ASCD article on what is necessary to begin an effective BYOD initiative in schools.http://www.ascd.org/ascd-express/vol10/1017-sheninger.aspx?utm_source=ascdexpress&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Express-10-17
This ASCD article provides a framework for integrating technology into classroomshttp://www.ascd.org/ascd-express/vol10/1017-russell.aspx?utm_source=ascdexpress&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Express-10-17
An ASCD article written by educators who have made a successful transition to digital integration into classrooms.http://www.ascd.org/ascd-express/vol10/1017-jones.aspx?utm_source=ascdexpress&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Express-10-17
Cite that defines and illustrates skills & knowledge students need to succeed in work, life and citizenship, as well as the supphttp://www.p21.org/
Article presents info and insight into how to use Minecraft effectively in schoolshttp://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2015/08/19/minecraft-fueling-creative-ideas-analytical-thinking-in.html?intc=eml-enl-eu-news2-RM
Webite's goal is to help teachers "learn one new tech tip per day"https://sites.google.com/site/kidsnetsofttechtip/home
Site to help educators with copyright issues on the webhttp://langwitches.org/blog/2014/06/10/copyright-flowchart-can-i-use-it-yes-no-if-this-then/
Interesting article from the Psychological Science in the Public Interest Journalhttp://psi.sagepub.com/content/16/1/3.abstract
The Cognitive Science of Education (14-Part Series)http://www.senseandsensation.com/p/the-cognitive-science-of-education.html
A.J. Juliani article detailing reasons as to why, specifically, educators should be using tech in the classroom and for what purhttp://ajjuliani.com/tech-with-purpose/
An Article by Christina Flores on the emergent “maker movement” in educationhttp://www.nais.org/Magazines-Newsletters/ISMagazine/Pages/SelfDirected-Learning.aspx
Fantastic set of free resources for integrating iPads in to schoolhttp://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=26195
An awesome "Wheel" of apps that align with the SAMR & Bloom's Taxonomy levelsPadWheel_Poster_V4.pdf
Research based reports for educators looking forward to the newest technology in the classroomhttps://www.nmc.org/publication-type/horizon-report/
The most powerful Twitter tool for real-time tracking, organizing, and engagement. Reach your audiences and discover the best ofhttps://tweetdeck.twitter.com/
Your central place to organize, read, and share the information you need to stay ahead of the next big trend in the fieldhttps://feedly.com/i/welcome
A Word document containing my list of top apps for educators sorted by typeApps for Educators (17).docx
Site to create assessments to help you gain a better understanding of your students’ mastery. Create PA Core aligned assessmentshttp://www.pdesas.org/module/Assessment/questions/search/
Online training tools for Classroom Diagnostic Tools (CDT), PSSA's, and Keystoneshttps://wbte.drcedirect.com/PA/portals/pa
PDE's website for information about PA's new Accountability tool which uses a dashboard model to highlight how schools are perfohttps://futurereadypa.org/
PA's new K—12 integrated approach to science education, including the new standards, designed for implementation July 1, 2025.https://www.pdesas.org/Page/Viewer/ViewPage/58/?SectionPageItemId=13003
A toolkit designed to assist all school entities in their efforts to prevent and address bias and discriminationhttps://www.education.pa.gov/EIB/Pages/default.aspx
Integrated K-12 STEM lessons that are coherent with the PA Dept of Ed's vision for STEM Education.https://www.oercommons.org/groups/pa-stem-toolkit/2127/?__hub_id=52
PA Core Standards Fact Sheet For Teachers 12.1.2013.pdf
PA's new K—12 integrated approach to science education, including the new standards, designed for implementation July 1, 2025.https://www.pdesas.org/Page/Viewer/ViewPage/58/?SectionPageItemId=13003
NGSS Hub contains: The Standards, Instruction & Assessment, including Units & Assessment Items, & Planning & Communicationhttps://www.nextgenscience.org/
PA Core-Common Core ELA Crosswalk.pdf
PA Core Standards Fact Sheet for Parents 12.1.2013.pdf
Free, downloadable, PA Core-aligned digital curriculum access for non-Apple deviceshttp://www.pdesas.org/Page?pageId=30
This is the PDE Resource hub for all things PSSAhttp://www.education.pa.gov/K-12/Assessment%20and%20Accountability/PSSA/Pages/default.aspx#.VfgvEhFViko
Presentation Slides.pdf
PDE's on-line Act 48 Professional Education Record Management Systemhttps://www.perms.ed.state.pa.us/Screens/wfPublicAccess.aspx
PDE's statewide longitudinal data systemhttp://www.education.pa.gov/Teachers%20-%20Administrators/PIMS/Pages/default.aspx#.VovjjfkrKM8
This PDE's site for everything regarding teacher certificationwww.teachercertification.pa.gov
The New ESSA.pdf
Click on "Charlotte Danielson: The Framework for Teaching" tabhttps://www.pdesas.org/Frameworks/TeacherFrameworks/TeacherEffectiveness
Web home for PA's Teacher Evaluation System Informationhttps://www.pdesas.org/Frameworks/TeacherFrameworks/TeacherEffectiveness/
PDE website featuring information, templates, and examples to help educators with SLOshttp://www.pdesas.org/Page/Viewer/ViewPage/7
The PDE collection of school progress measures related to school and student successhttps://futurereadypa.org/
MY Teacher Evaluation in PA- 2020 and Changes Coming in 2021 Presentation.pdf
2013-14 Mathematics Preliminary Item and Scoring Sampler Grade 5.pdf
PDE's Comprehensive System allows you to search by grade & content area for a plethora of targeted resourceshttp://www.pdesas.org/module/content/search/
This page contains Algebra 1 materials that align with the Keystone Exam, providing instructional content for educators and subjhttp://www.pdesas.org/module/content/search/algebra1.aspx
PA Common Core_Online_Mathematics_Resources.pdf
PDE's PA Learns ITunes U Course Information for PA Core Aligned Math Course Grades 6-8 & Algebra I.http://www.pdesas.org/Page?pageId=30
PA Comprehensive Literacy Plan.pdf
PDE's Comprehensive System allows you to search by grade & content area for a plethora of targeted resourceshttp://www.pdesas.org/module/content/search/
Writing Domain Scoring Guide.pdf
2013-14 PSSA English Language Arts Preliminary Item and Scoring Sampler Grade 5.pdf
Information on accessing PDE PA learns Itunes U Courses PA Core Alligned for ELA grades 9-12http://palearns.csiu.org
PDE's career exploration and planning system designed especially for students, educators, and counselors. Contains Interest Profhttp://www.pacareerzone.org/
Free, awesome, downloadable digital curriculum for Personal Finance courses, elementary & secondary levelshttp://www.makingcentspa.org/curriculum.html
NEA Comprehensive site w/ tools for educators to help every student have a safe, welcoming, affirming learning environmenthttps://www.nea.org/professional-excellence/just-equitable-schools
PSEA's FREE competency-based recognition issued for PL experiences, including Diversity, Equity, & Cultural Competencehttps://www.psea.org/for-members/professional-practice/center-for-professional-learning/Microcredentials/
A Resource Guide that provides practical ways to sharpen racial analysis & deepen understanding of Racial Justice in Educationhttps://www.nea.org/professional-excellence/student-engagement/tools-tips/racial-justice-education-resource-guide
NYTM initiative reframes US history by placing consequences of slavery & contributions of black Americans at center of narrativehttps://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/08/14/magazine/1619-america-slavery.html
Commission’s report in response to NYT's 1619 Project focused on 1776 "Founding Father's" view of US historyhttps://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/The-Presidents-Advisory-1776-Commission-Final-Report.pdf
Curricula Framework to help youth to be empowered, informed and active citizens who will promote a just & equitable society.Mikva Text_4.pdf
Teaching and Social Justice in the Classroom.pdf
Resources for implementing Ethnic Studies, including WA State Framework, Content Standards, & Content in Instructional Materialshttps://www.oercommons.org/courseware/lesson/85896/student/
NYU's Ed Jusctice Center's Culturally Responsive English Language Arts & STEAM Curriculum Auditshttps://steinhardt.nyu.edu/metrocenter/ejroc/services/culturally-responsive-curriculum-scorecards
Phenomenal resource that uses lessons of history to challenge teachers and their students to stand up to bigotry and hate.https://www.facinghistory.org/
A multiracial community of parents, teachers, experts working to meet the challenges that race poses to our countryhttps://www.embracerace.org/
A top 200 education blog & resource site by Rann Miller, educator with a passion for empowering students, families & educatorshttps://urbanedmixtape.com/resources/
A toolkit and template for teachers to build literacy-based, Anti-bias Learning Planshttp://perspectives.tolerance.org/
2018 11 14 Guides - rethinking discipline.docx
Understanding Implicit Bias ? American Federation of Teachers.pdf
2018 11 14 Guides - curriculum.docx
a partnership of MA public school districts and their local teacher unions, joined together to create a fair and effective accouhttp://mciea.org/
Fantastic set of Positive free set of Positive Behavior and School Culture resourceshttp://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=1764648
Johns Hopkins on implicit bias.docx
2018 11 08 NEPC on poverty_5.pdf
equitable curric - darling hammond.docx
equitable curriculum - challenging classrooms.docx
Comprehensive ED Week set of Articles and Resources on CRTEd Week Spotlight on Critical Race Theory.pdf
Learn about restorative practice strategies like restorative circles & conferencing to build loving & positive environmentshttps://nea.certificationbank.com/Pennsylvania/PSEA/CandidatePortal/CategoryDetail.aspx?Stack=RP
What Are Restorative Practices? An Educator's Guide to Fostering Positive School Climate and Culturehttp://www.otlcampaign.org/restorative-practices
Restorative Interventions Facilitator's Toolkit.pdf
National Child Traumatic Stress Network Child-Trauma-Toolkit.pdf
NEA TEaching Children from Poverty & Trauma Handbook.pdf
COVID-19 doesn’t appear COVID affects the youngest among us and they bear the larger burdens of trauma and economic fallout.https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/03/what-coronavirus-will-do-kids/608608/
A step-by-step resource created by educators for educators can make it easier for union leaders, school district administrators,http://healthyfutures.nea.org/wpcproduct/school-crisis-guide/
NCAP's joint statement outlines evidence-based policies and practices for improving school safety and increasing access to mentahttps://www.nasponline.org/resources-and-publications/resources/school-safety-and-crisis/a-framework-for-safe-and-successful-schools
Possible School Safety Articles for Soc Sem Session.docx
NYU's Ed Justice Center's Culturally Responsive ELA & STEAM Curriculum Auditshttps://steinhardt.nyu.edu/metrocenter/ejroc/services/culturally-responsive-curriculum-scorecards
Tools/Templates for: 1. Equitable Schools; 2. Equitable Classrooms; 3. Teacher BehaviorsMAEC-Equity-Audit-2021-508.pdf
An interactive database to examine racial disparities in educational opportunities and school discipline in more than 96,000 indhttps://projects.propublica.org/miseducation/
A toolkit designed to assist all school entities in their efforts to prevent and address bias and discriminationhttps://www.education.pa.gov/Schools/safeschools/equityandinclusion/Pages/default.aspx
Resource showcasing neighborhoods in America that offer children best chance to rise out of poverty using datahttps://www.opportunityatlas.org/
A toolkit and template to build literacy-based, Anti-bias Learning Planshttp://perspectives.tolerance.org/
Level Up is a an organization seeking to immediately begin to address the needs of the state’s most underfunded districtshttps://leveluppa.org/
Tool that guides educators in developing & improving practical measurement instruments for use in continuous improvement.https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/rel/Products/Publication/100841
APS_Equity_Audit_Report_final (1).pdf
Equity Audits What are they and how can they be used to create more equitable and excellent schools.pdf
This is video clip desribing Carol Dweck's research on praise and its affect on students.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWv1VdDeoRY
My Growth Mindset Toolkit Docs.pdf
A free set of online lessons and practices designed to help you teach and foster adaptive beliefs about learning.https://www.mindsetkit.org/
Short video lessons on “growth mindset” for teachers to use that are lessons featuring the Class Dojo cartoon characters.https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIChyVOpASG3KSFhoYh7MFcgPTqczpV17
Awesome set of strategies and tool for growth-oriented feedback for studentshttps://www.cultofpedagogy.com/hyperrubric/
A comprehensive Ed Weekly Study on Mindset in the K-12 Classroomhttp://www.edweek.org/media/ewrc_mindsetintheclassroom_sept2016.pdf
This is a direct link to the Mindset Works mindset assessmentshttp://www.mindsetworks.com/assess/
Combined Handouts (4) (6).pdf
Fostering a Growth Mindset_1.pdf
Student Self Assessment.pdf
A leading organization advancing the development of academic, social and emotional competence for all studentshttp://www.casel.org/
Phenomenal research-based Pre-K-12 SEL curricula, resources, and professional learning serviceshttps://characterstrong.com/
A comprehensive set of research and resources from The Wallace Foundationhttps://www.wallacefoundation.org/knowledge-center/social-and-emotional-learning/pages/default.aspx
A meta-analysis of the current evidence for universal school-based (USB) SEL interventions for students in K-12 from 2008-2022https://srcd.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cdev.13968
CORE seeks to improve student achievement by fostering highly-productive, meaningful collaboration and learning between its Calihttp://coredistricts.org/our-work/social-emotional-learning/
Comprehensive ED Week set of Articles and Resources on SELEd Week Spotlight on Social Emotional Learning.pdf
A comprehensive k-12, skills-based SEL education curriculum to help studentshttp://www.emc.cmich.edu/EMC_Orchard/michigan-model-for-health
A Toolkit rich Trauma-informed SEL resources & strategies to implement in the classroomhttps://www.transformingeducation.org/trauma-informed-sel-toolkit/
A resource for evidence-based solutions for better emotional health and well being in the 21st century.https://my.happify.com/
Curriculum site to help teachers instill social-emotional skills in their studentshttp://www.cfchildren.org/second-step
Provides resources for research-based approach to improving students’ social and emotional competencies through the lens of charhttps://www.mayersonacademy.org/thriving-learning-communities/
An innovative pk-5 website that combines social-emotional learning with reading and writing standardshttps://www.peekapak.com/
Sets of intellectual, personal, and social and emotional proficiencies that all students need to develop in order to engage in dhttps://curriculum.gov.bc.ca/competencies
Extensive set of k-12 resources to support Social Emotional Learninghttps://www.lions-quest.org/
Program that uses teaching practices to promote students' SEL that can be infused in an academic curriculum that can be used inhttps://www.facinghistory.org/educator-resources
CharacterStrong is an organization that provides curricula and trainings to help educators infuse character and social-emotionalwww.characterstrong.com
Ideas, strategies, & resources that help teachers teach and build character within K–12 classrooms, and directly connect researchttps://characterlab.org/
A site to help students and educators learn how to become servant leadershttp://www.johnnorlin.com/
Resources to help 10-18 year olds learn about character, virtues and strengths and use these to define their purpose, goals andhttp://inspiringpurpose.org.uk/
a free, award-winning game that engages your students in ethical decision-making and develops skills that will help them recognihttp://www.quandarygame.org/teachers
Advanced_Character_Dare_Challenge_ (1).pdf
Forsyth School District Balanced Literacy Official Literacy Mission, Plan, Description and Resourceshttp://www.forsythcountyschools.org/balancedliteracy/index.html
Hall County School District's Balanced Literacy webite. Includes links, info, and resources on the following: Writing Workshop,http://www.hallco.org/literacy/
This thorough Reference Guide gives an overview, introduces the framework, discusses classroom set up, and details Reading & Wrihttp://mnps2010.wikispaces.com/file/view/Balanced+Literacy+Reference+Guide+2012.pdf
CCSD's Elementary ELA Director Diana Denton's Website & Resourceshttp://www.diannadenton.com/2010/11/16/balancedliterac/
FCS Official Balanced Literacy Position.docx
This wonderful link to a PDF doc from Methuen, MA Public Schools provides Balanced Literacy guidance on the framework, sample schttp://www.methuen.k12.ma.us/images/ELA_Mapping/Balanced%20Literacy%20Model.pdf
This is a wonderful resource with modules to help teachers plan for their ELA block in their schedule.http://www.comprehensivereadingsolutions.com/planning-the-ela-block/
This blog can serve as an on-going narrative and living resource for Balanced Literacy teachers.http://jensweigart.blogspot.com/
This is a publication from the Florida Literacy and Reading Excellence (FLaRE) Center about a "Balanced Reading Approach:" it coBalanced Reading.pdf
By Darlene Schoenly, an Assistant Professor in College of Education at Kutztown University in PAhttp://www.amle.org/BrowsebyTopic/WhatsNew/WNDet/TabId/270/ArtMID/888/ArticleID/338/Reconciling-Common-Core-State-Standards.aspx
Balanced Literacy One Pager Summary.pdf
This 1 page resource provides specific "look for's" for what a classroom, teachers, and students should be doing in a BL class.Balanced Literacy Look Fors Checklist.pdf
Henry Co. Numeracy_Framework.pdf
This document overviews the "Four Blocks" and "Daily Five" Approaches to a Balanced Literacy classroom.Balanced Literacy Sample Approaches.docx.pdf
East Allen County Balanced Literacy & Numeracy Block Schedule 1 page example_1.pdf
An Elementary Sample Schedule for Balanced Math.doc
Phenomenal resource that provides defintions, information, resources, & unpacks frameworks of Balanced Literacy & Numeracy.New_Educators_Handbook-Balanced Literacy & Numeracy.doc
East Allen County Balanced Literacy & Numeracy Block Schedule 1 page example.pdf
A Summary of Balanced Literacy Minnesota.pdf
A complete Balanced Literacy plan that serves students K - 5 at all elementary schools within the district.Balanced-Literacy-Plan.pdf
This is a thorough but very accessible document detailing with photos and examples a Balanced Literacy Approach.Reading Approach_1.pdf
A framework guide that provides New York’s complete & comprehensive guide to a Balanced Literacy Approach.New York Dept. of Education-A Comprehensive Approach to Balanced Literacy-A Handbook for Educators.pdf
The Scholastic Book & Book Leveling Sitehttp://www.scholastic.com/bookwizard/
This is "The Sister's" Daily Five Guided Reading Websitehttp://www.busyteacherscafe.com/literacy/guided_reading.html
A Complete System for Supporting Guided Reading; The Guided Reading Teacher’s Companion: Prompts, Discussion Starters, and Teachhttp://www.janrichardsonguidedreading.com/resources-1
This is a 1 page guide to help students and parents select books that are right for their independent reading level at school anscan0004.pdf
These are video clips for elementary, middle, and high school that are accompaniments to Fisher and Frey "Rigorous Reading" bookhttp://www.corwin.com/rigorousreading/chapter.htm
This is a Modeled Reading Lesson about charactersRick's Reading Workshop: Mini-Lesson
These are video clips for elementary, middle, and high school that are accompaniments to Fisher and Frey "Rigorous Reading" bookhttp://www.corwin.com/rigorousreading/chapter.htm
Read Aloud Project (RAP) lessons that are divided into different subjects based on the Next Generation Science Standards and pophttp://coretaskproject.com/2014/08/31/46-new-read-aloud-lessons-added
This is a Teaching Channel video that presents a comprehensive & complete 28 minute Guided Reading lesson with 5th grade masterhttps://www.teachingchannel.org/videos/guided-reading-differentiation-system
ASCD Ed leadership video of Steve Stein, executive director of the Boston Debate League, on how debate movitates reluctant readehttp://www.ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/nov13/vol71/num03/EL-Interview.aspx
Great Teaching Channel Video on Understanding Text Complexity and best practices in the Common Core era.https://www.teachingchannel.org/videos/simplifying-text-complexity
Video of Professor Doug Fisher describing the aspects or components of gradual release of responsibility.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjURdvzty4c
A Phenomenal YouTube Video Channel with hundreds of Balanced Literacy, Gradual Release Model, and Common Core focused videos.http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=fisher+and+frey+channel&sm=1
A video showcase of inspiring and effective teaching practices in America's schools.https://www.teachingchannel.org/?national=1
Education Weekly's Video focused on K Classroom Reading Strategy Common Core Instructional Shiftshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJjxfqRQesw&feature=youtu.be
NY's comprehensive "Open Resource" with Common Core Assessment, Curriculum, & Instruction vidoeshttps://www.engageny.org/video-library
This is the home page for the Daily Five, CAFE, and Math Five Daily.http://www.thedailycafe.com/public/main.cfm
Awesome Resource for Daily Five advocates, including many downlaodable resources that can be used immediately!http://pulaskidailyfive.blogspot.com/p/resources.html
This site allows students can look for information on numerous categories that are then mapped on to the worldhttp://www.worldmapper.org
Smarter Balanced Middle School Common Core Literacy Performance Task Assessment Released ItemGrade 6-Smarter Balance Performance Task.pdf
Smarter Balanced High School Common Core Literacy Performance Task Assessment Released ItemSmarter Balance High School Performance Task.pdf
CCPBA Resources_1.docx
Gapminder is a non-profit venture – a modern “museum” on the Internet – promoting sustainable global development and achievementhttp://www.gapminder.org
This site allows you to pull up a newspaper from anywhere in the world then translate it into English. Then you can examine thehttp://www.newspapermap.com
This site allows students to create binders where they create the tabs.http://www.livebinders.com
NCTE & IRA backed resource site providing access to the highest quality practices in reading and language arts instruction by ofhttp://www.readwritethink.org
A resource for digital curriculumhttp://www.amplify.com/
NY's "Open Resource" with Common Core Assessment, Curriculum, & Instruction resources, all free.https://www.engageny.org/ccss-library/?js=1&f[0]=im_field_subject%3A13596&f[1]=im_field_grade%3A13486
Awesome set of "Sparknote" like videos that break down classic literature in in smart but funny wayshttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLghL9V9QTN0jTgA1qrhWrBCB_Ln4xlVlB
My Vocabulary Presentation Handout 1.pdf
Vocab Presentation Supplemental Handout.pdf
Common Core State Standards for ELA & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Appehttp://www.corestandards.org/assets/Appendix_A.pdf
Common Core Standards: For English language arts & Literacy in History/social studies, science, and technical subjects Appendixhttp://www.corestandards.org/assets/Appendix_B.pdf
Appendix from the Common Core State Standards provides educators with Annotated Samples of Student Writing fromLiteracy in Histhttp://www.corestandards.org/assets/Appendix_C.pdf
This site has sample ELA PARCC assessment items & performance tasks for 3rd, 6th, 7th, & 10th gradehttps://dc.mypearsonsupport.com/practice-tests/english/
This site has sample ELA Smarter Balanced assessment items & full performance task assessment models for 4th, 6th, & 11th grade.http://www.smarterbalanced.org/sample-items-and-performance-tasks/
This is a bank of formative Common Core aligned and rigorous formative assessment itemshttps://www.georgiaoas.org/
This website is full of free content designed to help educators understand and implement the Common Core State Standards. It inchttp://www.achievethecore.org/dashboard/300/search/1/1/0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12
The Literacy Design Collaborative is a loosely affiliated group of teachers and other partners building out a template-based apphttp://www.ldc.org/
Practice and Training Tests available for practice and training purposes, professional development activities, and for discussiohttp://sbac.portal.airast.org/practice-test/
Awesome resource to helps teachers design and/or find Common Core Instruction "Sheets" and assessmentshttp://www.commoncoresheets.com
An amazing "warehouse" of teacher-developed and vetted free common-core-aligned lessons that teachers can use as is, or modify thttp://coretaskproject.com/
A comprehensive online toolbox of info, vetted resources, and interactive tools. It is the State of Florida’s official source fohttp://www.cpalms.org
NY's "Open Resource" with Common Core Assessment, Curriculum, & Instruction resources, all free.https://www.engageny.org/ccss-library
Awesome free comprehensive resource with math. literacy, PD, and progress monitoring resourceshttp://melrosecurriculum.wikispaces.com
A Bank of PARCC released items that can be searched by grade level, content, etc.http://parcc.pearson.com/sample-items/
PARCC's formative tools for k -2 educatorshttp://www.parcconline.org/instructional-tools/formative-tools
Free CC standards-aligned PreK-12 ELA resources that draw from EngageNY sequenced by experts in curriculum design and instructiohttps://www.unbounded.org/explore_curriculum?subjects=ela
Classroom-ready daily ELA lessons developed in partnership with the Louisiana Department of Education. Units include daily lessohttps://learnzillion.com/resources/81666-english-language-arts-guidebook-units
Highly interactive game website & mobile app that helps with spelling and vocabulary developmenthttp://www.spellingcity.com
Visual Thesaurus is an interactive dictionary and thesaurus which creates word maps that blossom with meaninghttps://www.visualthesaurus.com/
An online library of educational hip-hop songs and videos for grades K-12 to engage and inspire student vocabulary development.https://www.flocabulary.com
Effective Vocabulary Supplemental Handout 1.pdf
Vocab Presentation Supplemental Handout 2.pdf
Effective Vocabulary Instruction Presentation.pdf
A teacher resource page providing strategies to improve reading comprehension in all content areasPAS_Questions-Reading.pdf
ASCD Ed leadership video of Steve Stein, executive director of the Boston Debate League, on how debate movitates reluctant readehttp://www.ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/nov13/vol71/num03/EL-Interview.aspx
In this video, a 6th grade teacher focuses on close reading of a text in her social studies instruction.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nX3kNk3NrJo
Link to Five close reading strategies to support the Common Core.http://iteachicoachiblog.blogspot.com/2012/06/five-simple-close-reading-strategies.html
CCSS_Close Reading.pdf
PDF of Presentationclose-reading-full-ascd-webinar.pdf
A position paper describing the important role of close reading in the Common Core State Standards, with strategies to support chttp://www.casamples.com/downloads/Habits-of-Close-Reading-whitepaper.pdf?utm_source=Smartbrief_NCLE&utm_medium=eNewsletter_text&utm_content=StratSupportCloseRead&utm_campaign=ContMark_2016_CCS-45339a
Wonderful set of Close Reading lessons, resources, and other fully developed CR tools.https://coretools.ldc.org/curriculumLibrary?library_scope=VIEWABLE&collections=36923503-5202-484c-83cd-57b33a44b35d
5-day close reading modules on literary and informational texts. Each lesson is built around text-dependent questions, with a wrhttps://learnzillion.com/resources/73944-close-reading-lesson-library
These are video clips for EL, elementary, middle, and high school that are accompaniments to Fisher and Frey "Rigorous Reading"http://www.corwin.com/rigorousreading/chapter.htm
Close Rad Video Clip: Evidence & Arguments: Multiple Ways of Experiencing a Text Grades 9-10, ELA, Literary Analysishttps://www.teachingchannel.org/videos/literacy-analysis-lesson
This link provides access to hundreds of middle school focused "Close Read" video clips from almost every subject area!http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=close+reading+middle+school&sm=1
Video of a group of 4th grade students closely read a text about toy inventors, discussing their ideas with their peers. Their thttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZIQcwbHRKY
with Diane Lapp, Barbara Moss, Maria Grant, and Kelly Johnsonhttp://bcove.me/7w1gt7qw
This resource is a Word document containing a large variety of question stems targeting specific reading skills for both literarReading Stems.docx
Text Level Correlation Chart, including Fountas & Pinnel, DRA, STAR, Rigby, SFA, Lexile, and more.TEXT_CORRELATION_CHART.pdf
Article that focuses on the hows and whys of teaching complex texts, what are the approaches that will truly make a difference fNCTE-Teaching Complex Texts-A Guide.pdf
An NCTE article that addresses why and how it is so important for students to master reading and writing informational textsNCTE-Reading & Writing Informational Texts.pdf
Simple, easy to read and quick article detailing 5 strategies for approaching informational texts with students.Five Steps to Tackling Informational Texts.pdf
An interactive, FREE, and customizable assessment resource that enables teachers to gauge student mastery of Common Core-alignedhttp://edulastic.com/
Free service to educators help discover the best apps, games, and websites for classroom use.http://www.graphite.org/
A Microsoft Publisher Doc containing plethora of engagement & formative assessment strategies designed for teachers to keep on hEngagement and Formative Assessment Strategies.pub
Combined Handouts.pdf
10th Lit Analysis Rubric.pdf
Criterion-based rubrics and review processes to evaluate quality of lessons & units to address the CC Standards.http://www.engageny.org/sites/default/files/resource/attachments/tri-state-ela-rubric-slides.pdf
Criterion‐based rubrics and review processes to evaluate the quality of lessons and units to address CC Standards for Mathhttp://www.engageny.org/sites/default/files/resource/attachments/tri-state-math-rubric-slides.pdf
EngageNY.org is developed and maintained by the New York State Education Department (NYSED) to support the implementation of keyhttp://www.engageny.org/
Free resource that brings together America’s libraries, archives, and museums.http://dp.la
A cool digital resource made up of photographic images, videos, audio clips and descriptive and narrative text all on a timelinehttp://www.historypin.com
Free, awesome source with materials for using the Library’s unique collections of primary source documents in the classroom. Thehttp://www.loc.gov/teachers/classroommaterials/primarysourcesets
Teach with documents, locate teachable primary sources, and find new and favorite lesson plans and activities.http://docsteach.org/
Amazing hub of free resources for History Teachers, with curriculum, assessment, project, DBQ, & publications focused on Readinghttp://sheg.stanford.edu/home_page
Site to help students develop critical thinking skills in history, literature, and culture through primary source sets.http://dp.la/primary-source-sets
Blog by Philadelphia area high school SS teacher Tim Smythhttp://historycomics.edublogs.org
Also by Phildadelphia area HS SS teacher Tim Smythhttp://historycomics.wikispaces.com
Awesome resource with of fully developed and vetted SS PBA'shttp://www.socialstudies.org/resources/assessment
Countable makes it quick and easy to understand the laws Congress is consideringhttps://www.countable.us/
Tool that allows users to create timelines that include text, pictures, audio clips and videos via a a one-click processhttps://www.hstry.co/
an online educational community, where learners all around the world connect and collaborate on projects that often focus on isshttp://www.epals.com/#/connections
A collection of world maps, where territories are re-sized on each map according to corresponding topic of interest.http://www.worldmapper.org
A Free, cross-disciplinary classroom resource featuring interactive timelines, archival videos and downloadable historic front phttp://newseum.org/digital-classroom/default.aspx
Updated daily with real-world news from major publications, students can participate in conversation about the most urgent topichttps://www.newsela.com/
Gapminder is a non-profit venture � a modern �museum� on the Internet � promoting sustainable globalhttp://www.gapminder.org
This site allows you to pull up a newspaper from anywhere in the world then translate it into English.http://www.newspapermap.com
Building Resiliency and Voice With Early Career Educators: A free, year-long PD opportunity from the unionhttps://educationminnesota.org/resources/professional-practice/#early-career
A amazing set of synchronous and asynchronous PL resources and opportunities for educatorshttps://www.psea.org/for-members/professional-practice/center-for-professional-learning/
Awesome Comprehensive resource for educators looking to build their career in PA as an educatorhttps://www.psea.org/for-members/member-resources2/career-planning-toolkit/
A comprehensive resource to help you understand the complex world of educator certification in PAhttps://www.psea.org/for-members/your-profession/certification/
The PHEAA page for the Student Teacher Stipend in PAhttps://www.pheaa.org/partner-access/schools/pa-student-teacher-support-program/
Edutopia's 10 studies you shouldn’t miss—from what AI can (and can’t) do to the neuroscience of brain synchrony.https://www.edutopia.org/article/10-most-significant-education-studies-2023
PDE Toolkit provides guidance on the PA Evaluation system for educator professional employees and TPE'shttps://www.pdesas.org/Frameworks/TeacherFrameworks/TeacherEffectiveness/
A phenomenal site with Blog, videos, podcasts, resources, and more all focused on effective teaching and pedagogyhttps://www.cultofpedagogy.com/tag/first-year-teachers/
Micro-episodes of the Cult of Pedagogy Podcast that offers small, useful thing that will help you become a better teacherhttps://www.cultofpedagogy.com/edutips/
A fantastic set of curriculum-planning tips, guidance, and other resources meant to help new teachers plan effective activihttp://www.edutopia.org/article/new-teacher-resources-toolkit
Videos that focus on essential skills from lesson planning to classroom management to differentiation filled with useful "do's ahttps://learn.teachingchannel.com/new-teacher
Click on the "Professional Practice" Filter buttonhttps://www.nea.org/resource-library?
Just Read ithttp://www.cultofpedagogy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Find-Your-Marigold.pdf
Wonderful post describes 15 different specific low- & high-prep class discussion stretegieshttps://www.cultofpedagogy.com/speaking-listening-techniques/
An organization working to improve student learning by accelerating the effectiveness of new teachers, experienced teachers andhttps://newteachercenter.org/
12tips for new teachers.pdf
An Educator's Guide to Fostering Positive School Climate and Culturehttp://www.otlcampaign.org/restorative-practices
This yearlong series will examine efforts to recognize and overcome discrimination in schools.http://www.edweek.org/ew/projects/beyond-bias-countering-stereotypes-in-school.html
Edutopia’s downloadable and printable back-to-school resources are collected here for easy classroom referencehttp://www.edutopia.org/article/free-teacher-back-to-school-downloads-resources?utm_source=SilverpopMailing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Edutopia%20Back%20to%20School%20August%202016%20lngm%20A&utm_content=&utm_term=top5&spMailingID=15166266&spUserI
PSEA Presentation for PSEA HoD on Educator Pipeline and Ed Rising .pdf
to get “just right” instructional materials, saving tons of time and helping all students to access grade level contenthttps://web.diffit.me/
Awesome resource to support teachers in creating high-quality literacy instruction across subjects & grade levelshttps://coretools.ldc.org/resources
Suite of AI-powered tools to help teachers' planning, workloads, and providing personalized learning experiences for students.https://www.magicschool.ai/
DI guru Carol Ann Tomlinson's 'go to' place for reliable information and resources that will help deepen your understanding andhttp://differentiationcentral.com/what-is-differentiated-instruction/
Awesome set of free resources for differentiated and digital differentiated classroomhttp://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=1936850
A "How To" on optional small-group mini-lessons held during class, with the key word being optionalhttps://www.cultofpedagogy.com/classroom-seminars/
Differentiated Instruction Cover Sheet.docx
Differentiated Instruction Lesson Planning Template.pdf
Fantastic and Very practical introduction, explanation, and "how to" for DIhttp://www.education.com/reference/article/Ref_Teacher_s_Guide/
Sample Interest & Reading Survey.docx
The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) illustrates how teachers can use technology to enhance learning for K-12 students.http://fcit.usf.edu/matrix/matrix.php
Huge variety of Teaching Channel Resources focused on DIhttps://www.teachingchannel.org/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=differentiated+Instruction&commit=Search
Education Weekly Commentary by James R. Delisle on why Differentiated Instruction doesn't workhttp://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2015/01/07/differentiation-doesnt-work.html
Education Weekly's response Commentary by one of differentiated instruction's foremost proponentshttp://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2015/01/28/differentiation-does-in-fact-work.html
AJ Juliani's Bloghttp://ajjuliani.com/3-simple-ways-differentiate-instruction-class
ASCD Article about using mobile devices to effectively differentiate instruction for studentshttp://www.ascd.org/ascd-express/vol10/1017-carbaugh.aspx?utm_source=ascdexpress&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Express-10-17
Handout Packet for Differentaited Instruction Presentation.pdf
Learn strategies for building positive, compassionate classroom communities that engage learners, and find and exchange tips forhttps://www.edutopia.org/topic/classroom-management
The article describes teacher strategies for shaping the dynamics of the classroom through the balance of these three types of bhttp://www.ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/sept03/vol61/num01/The-Key-to-Classroom-Management.aspx
A 2021 study reveals the ways in which new & experienced teachers think about CM + 6 takeaways for effective CMhttps://www.edutopia.org/article/how-novice-and-expert-teachers-approach-classroom-management-differently
Wonderful set of Classroom Management Resourceshttp://www.edutopia.org/article/new-teachers-classroom-management-resources
Edutopia article on the the research-supported benefits of "Flexible Classrooms" for students and their academic performancehttps://www.edutopia.org/article/flexible-classrooms-research-scarce-promising
A free classroom tool that helps teachers save time, boost classroom engagement, and improve student behavior quickly and easilyhttps://www.classdojo.com
Website devoted to CHAMPs (Conversation, Help, Activity, Movement, Participation, Success) Classroom Management approachhttp://www.dailyteachingtools.com/champs-classroom-management.html
A single app for Classroom management, student portfolios, communication, coordination, and community buildinghttps://www.bloomz.net/
Fantastic classroom management resources pagehttp://ilclassroomtech.weebly.com/classroomteacher-resources.html
Short video lessons on “growth mindset” for teachers to use that are lessons featuring the Class Dojo cartoon characters.https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxgOUb7t6VTS0-TPSPInBpg
Classroom Management Handout with Tech Tips.pdf
My Classroom Management Presentation_1.pdf
Sylvia Libow Martinez & Gary S. Stager website focused on middle school maker movementhttp://www.middleweb.com/8362/classroom-tinkers-inventors/
Interesting article discussing the evolution of "Design Thinking" in school curriculahttps://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2017/01/how-design-thinking-became-a-buzzword-at-school/512150/
A free, how-to toolkit and coursework that introduces educators to the process and methods of design.http://www.designthinkingforeducators.com
Awesome set of design thinking resources for educatorshttp://www.mvifi.org/designthinking/
From a post by A.J. Julianihttp://ajjuliani.com/einstein/
Awesome, free LiveBinder full of Genius Hour Resources for teachershttp://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=829279
Joy Kirr is a middle school teacher, author, and speaker. Her 7th grade ELA (English Language Arts) classes are working to improhttp://geniushour.blogspot.com/
Educator Kate Petty's wonderful resource site on 20% time in the classroomhttp://www.20timeineducation.com/20-time-community
State-of-the-art tools and methods for K-8 teaching reading and writing, for using performance assessments and learning progresshttp://readingandwritingproject.org/resources
Focused on "Innovator's Mindset"https://georgecouros.ca/blog/
LDC is a national community of educators providing a teacher-designed and research-proven framework, online tools, and resourceshttp://ldc.org
Contains well-engineered tools and lessons for formative and summative assessment that expose students’ mathematical knowledge ahttp://map.mathshell.org/index.php
Educator and Author Troy Cockrum's site focused on 20% time and flipped learning in the classroomhttp://cogitationsofmrcockrum.blogspot.com/
Educator and Author Kevin Brookhouser's site focused on project based learning, coding in schools, and how technology willhttp://www.kevinbrookhouser.com/
Principal of Science Leadership Academy (SLA) Chris Lehman's pioneering blog on inquiry-driven, project-based learninghttp://practicaltheory.org/blog/
Dr. Jackie Gerstein's blog and resource page on "User-Generated" educationhttps://usergeneratededucation.wordpress.com/
Elementary educator Paul Solarz's website focused on inquiry-based education with elementary studentshttp://psolarz.weebly.com/mr-solarz-eportfolio
Educator Oliver Schinkten's compassion-based learning blogs to inquiry to another levelhttp://compassionbasedlearning.blogspot.com/
Award winning teachers Vicki Davis's fantastic blog and resource page on integrating inquiry and technology in to teachinghttp://www.coolcatteacher.com/
Wonderful site for educators to access resources around "Choose2Matter", "Genius Matters", and "MatterGrams" resources to supporhttps://www.angelamaiers.com/
ISTE's 2013 Teacher of the Year Nicholas Provenzano's site with information, perspective and resources on inquiry-based educatiohttp://www.thenerdyteacher.com/
Educator Denise Kreb's blog and resource sitehttp://mrsdkrebs.edublogs.org/
Focused on "Innovator's Mindset"https://georgecouros.ca/blog/
Site where students can teach and learn practical digital skills using free project-based video curriculum with ready-to-use vidhttps://applieddigitalskills.withgoogle.com/
A diverse set of innovative schools, & develop an index of approaches to student-centered learning.https://www.christenseninstitute.org/canopy-project/
My Dec 1, 2017 PSEA HoD PI Innovative Instructional Strategies for a Personalized Learning Mindset Presentation.pdf
Bonus Book Comprehensive Assignment.pdf
Clayton\_s Crazy Court Packet PDF.pdf
A wide array of PBL-related resources organized into three broad categories: things to read, to watch, or to interact with, withhttps://www.pblworks.org/?_ga=2.63926383.1314611288.1602195741-908528814.1600295815
Edutopia's dynamic classroom approach in which students actively explore real-world problems and challenges and acquire a deeperhttp://www.edutopia.org/project-based-learning
Free Project Based Learning Resources That Will Place Students At The Center Of Learninghttps://21centuryedtech.wordpress.com/2010/01/16/free-project-based-learning-resources-that-will-place-students-at-the-center-of-learning/
This PBL initiative by Stanford University focuses on the five P’s: problem, project, product, process and peoplehttps://pbl.stanford.edu/
A Complete Guide to Project-Based Learninghttp://www.studentguide.org/the-complete-guide-to-project-based-learning/
A brief resource for teachers, this site offers in-depth discussion of project-based learninghttp://college.cengage.com/education/pbl/index.html
A free web tool that allows users to take notes on a videos that are synchronized with the video being watched and integrated inhttp://www.videonot.es/
Provides a whiteboard where you can add images,text, videos, drawings, annotations and a recording feature that allows you to rehttp://www.pixiclip.com
An interactive is a versatile tool that can enhance student inquiry in research at the elementary level.http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/student-interactives/animal-inquiry-30020.html
An interactive tool to provide students with background on the hero's journey and give opportunity to explore several of the jouhttp://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/student-interactives/hero-journey-30069.html
A cloud-based writing tool that can create stories useing “notecards” to represent a single beat or event in a storyhttps://studios.amazon.com/storybuilder
A fun and easy way to automatically edit videos and share themhttps://www.youtube.com/user/magisto
Allows users to edit existing videos and embed questions and interactive features withinhttps://edpuzzle.com/
By Hood River MS Brent Emmonshttps://www.edutopia.org/blog/ensuring-enrichment-and-intervention-brent-emmons
UK Secondary Education Best Practices Pagehttp://www.sec-ed.co.uk/best-practice/delivering-an-effective-enrichment-programme/
Literably is a classroom tool that helps elementary teachers monitor students’ progress in reading. The site administers and scohttp://www.literably.com
NW Regional Ed Laboratory's wonderful fully developed diagnostic progress monitoring assessments and tracking sheets. Spanish &http://educationnorthwest.org/resources/assessing-mathematical-understanding
KRA is a kindergarten readiness tool that allows teachers to measure each child's school readiness across multiple domains.https://maryland.kready.org/olms/2400
Assessment and reporting tools that includes a combination of benchmarking, progress monitoring, and comprehensive reporting. grhttps://www.easycbm.com/
Awesome free comprehensive resource with math. literacy, PD, and progress monitoring resourceshttp://melrosecurriculum.wikispaces.com/
Blank Cognitive Rigor Matrix Hess.doc.pdf
Wonderful resources for Common Core Performace Based Math Assessment & Instruction Resourceshttp://www.illustrativemathematics.org/
The sample items represent the current state of PARCC item development and provide users a snapshot of what the 2014-2015 assesshttps://dc.mypearsonsupport.com/practice-tests/math/
Smarter Balanced sample items illustrate the rigor and complexity of the Mathematics items and performance tasks students will ehttp://www.smarterbalanced.org/assessments/samples/#questions
This website is full of free content designed to help educators understand and implement the Common Core State Standards. It inchttp://www.achievethecore.org/dashboard/300/search/1/2/0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12
This site is a resource designed to support districts working to meet the challenge and the opportunity of the new standards. Hehttp://www.ccsstoolbox.com/
(MAP) aims to bring to life the Common Core State Standards (CCSSM) in a way that will help teachers and their students turn thehttp://map.mathshell.org/materials/index.php
(MDC) brings to mathematics teaching and learning high-quality instructional tools and professional support services that play ahttp://map.mathshell.org
NY's "Open Resource" with Common Core Assessment, Curriculum, & Instruction resources, all free.https://www.engageny.org/3-8
Free CC stanardsds-aligned PreK-12 Math resources that draw from EngageNY sequenced by experts in curriculum design and instructhttps://www.unbounded.org/
Awesome set of free Middle School CC Math Resourceshttp://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=380192
Phenomenal "Live Binder" Resource Center for every course K-12. Click onhttp://www.floydboe.net/cms/One.aspx?portalId=3118197&pageId=8165361
A learning platform that includes video lessons, assessments, and progress reporting all focused on Common Core standards.http://learnzillion.com/lessons
A wonderful resource for home-school connection & support. Already has letters developed and ready to be sent home in Spanish!https://www.ceismc.gatech.edu/csi/
A comprehensive online toolbox of info, vetted resources, and interactive tools. It is the State of Florida’s official source fowww.cpalms.org
Fantastic set of free Common Core Math Resources for Teachershttp://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=187117
Free CC stanardsds-aligned PreK-12 Math resources that draw from EngageNY sequenced by experts in curriculum design and instructhttps://www.unbounded.org/explore_curriculum?subjects=math
Criterion-based rubrics and review processes to evaluate quality of lessons & units to address the CC Standards.http://www.engageny.org/sites/default/files/resource/attachments/tri-state-math-rubric-slides.pdf
Awesome resource to helps teachers design and/or find Common Core Instruction "Sheets" and assessmentswww.commoncoresheets.com
A great platform that mixes videos, web interaction, and real-world scenarios, whereProfessionals in the fashion, sports, and sphttp://www.thirteen.org/get-the-math
Link to App that reads and solves mathematical problems by using the camera of your mobile device in real-time. It makes math eahttps://photomath.net/en/
This online math education app puts students into fun, relevant situations and teaches them how to use middle and high school mahttp://www.mathalicious.com
game that “secretly teaches algebra,” this math education app has won a number of significant awards for children’s educationalhttp://www.dragonboxapp.com/index.html
NY's "Open Resource" with Common Core Assessment, Curriculum, & Instruction resources, all free.https://www.engageny.org/ccss-library/?f[0]=im_field_subject%3A13601
Awesome free comprehensive resource with math. literacy, PD, and progress monitoring resourceshttp://melrosecurriculum.wikispaces.com
Fantastic Edutopia article with links and descriptions of 10 top math video resources for educatorshttp://www.edutopia.org/blog/film-festival-math-video-resources
A dynamic online (and printed workbook) resource that helps students master Algebra 1 – the gateway math course that has implicahttps://www.algebranation.com/
Collection of curated, integrated K-12 STEM educational resources that are aligned to PDEhttps://www.oercommons.org/groups/pa-stem-toolkit/2127/?__hub_id=52
A project of the National Center for Technological Literacy at the Museum of Science, Boston to address America’s pressing needhttp://www.eie.org/
PA's new K—12 integrated approach to science education, including the new standards, designed for implementation July 1, 2025.https://www.pdesas.org/Page/Viewer/ViewPage/58/?SectionPageItemId=13003
NGSS Hub contains: The Standards, Instruction & Assessment, including Units & Assessment Items, & Planning & Communicationhttps://www.nextgenscience.org/
A guide to professional development and professional learning for science educationhttps://cosss.org/Professional-Learning
Broward County School District's hub for STEM Instruction and Intervention Resourceshttp://stem.browardschools.com/
Get the Math is about algebra in the real world. See how professionals use math in music, fashion, videogames, restaurants, baskhttp://www.thirteen.org/get-the-math
A tool to explore and document wildlife and a platform to harness the power of citizen scientists everywhere.http://www.projectnoah.org/
An innovative way to get students excited about math and science. Students adventurously navigate their way through the island ohttps://www.radixendeavor.org/
This web-based app focuses on teaching biotechnology and microbiology, specifically to perform labs that are too expensive or unhttps://www.labster.com/
A great source for cool projects that will inspire and guide kids includcommunity of user-created projects include a huge reperthttp://www.instructables.com/
A real-world based math site that's interactive and aligned with the CCSS. It puts students into fun, relevant situations, and thttp://www.mathalicious.com/
Tinkercad is an easy, browser-based 3D design and modeling tool for all. Tinkercad allows users to imagine anything and then deshttps://www.tinkercad.com
The website for Minecraft for Educationhttp://minecraftedu.com/
Link to App that reads and solves mathematical problems by using the camera of your mobile device in real-time. It makes math eahttps://photomath.net/en/
a non-profit dedicated to expanding access to computer science, and increasing participation by women and underrepresented studehttps://code.org/
Great Edutopia article on best apps to teach kids coding skillshttp://www.edutopia.org/blog/7-apps-teaching-children-coding-anna-adam
Free standards-aligned, literacy-rich module templates built around the design and development process scientists use every day.http://sciencecollection.ldc.org/?utm_source=LDC+External+List&utm_campaign=cf6fff43b5-New_STEM_modules_ready_to_go_2_18_2016&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_ba41f27258-cf6fff43b5-365551541
Digital games designed to help improve student understanding of often misunderstood scientific concepts.http://possibleworlds.edc.org
Knowing the pros and cons of the six models of co-teaching can help teachers determine which one is best for a given lessonhttps://www.edutopia.org/article/how-choose-co-teaching-model
A middle school English and special education teacher share how they meet the needs of all of their studentshttps://www.edutopia.org/article/co-teaching-distance-learning
My Co-Teaching Presentation.pdf
Preliminary Considerations no memo.docx
Site-based Management August 19.pptx
ASCD Articlehttp://www.ascd.org/publications/educational_leadership/dec95/vol53/num04/The_Who,_What,_and_Why_of_Site-Based_Management.aspx
World Bank\_s Toolkit for Implementing SBM.pdf
Organizing for Successful School-Based Management.pdf
The most up-to-date Visible Learning research, interpretations, and analyses database site.https://www.visiblelearningmetax.com/
In his ground-breaking study “Visible Learning” he ranked 138 influences that are related to learning outcomes from very positivhttp://visible-learning.org/hattie-ranking-influences-effect-sizes-learning-achievement/
A free online class with 9 module for those interested in Hattie's "Visible Learning for Teachers"http://classmill.com/ryanjohnson/visible-learning-for-teachers-maximizing-impact
My Effective Instruction Presentation.pdf
Blog that explores ideas, practice, and the human experience to contribute to our greater understanding of the concrete, every-dhttp://www.senseandsensation.com/
Incredible set of focused articles on science of learning and applications for teachinghttp://www.senseandsensation.com/p/the-cognitive-science-of-education.html
Home of groundbreaking book, based on latest research in cognitive science, offers powerful strategies for memory & learninghttps://www.makeitstick.com/learning-strategies
Edutopia's 10 studies you shouldn’t miss—from what AI can (and can’t) do to the neuroscience of brain synchrony.https://www.edutopia.org/article/10-most-significant-education-studies-2023
Jenifer Gonzalez's "Cult of Pedagogy" Bloghttps://www.cultofpedagogy.com/powerful-teaching/
Five minute video clip that highlights the myths and research-based most effective practices for students to use to studyhttps://vimeo.com/169193980?ref=em-share
Website that focuses on how to use retrieval practice to improve learning.https://www.retrievalpractice.org/
A website by cognitive psychological scientists interested in research on education with a focus on the science of learninghttp://www.learningscientists.org/
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Engineering professor Barbara Oakley ihttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O96fE1E-rf8
A curated newsletter on the concerns of education, ranging from practical pieces on curriculum and pedagogy to new research intohttp://www.educatorsnotebook.com/
Using the Science of Learning to be a Better Teacher_1.pdf
ASCD article on goal setting with elementary studentshttp://www.ascd.org/ascd-express/vol12/1201-aymett.aspx?utm_source=ascdexpress&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Express-12-01
Wonderful set of exam wrappers examples, including math, chemistry, and other science exampleshttps://www.cmu.edu/teaching/designteach/teach/examwrappers/
Explores the practice of "feedforward" and shows us how and why it workshttps://www.cultofpedagogy.com/feedforward/
Combined Handouts (4).pdf
Wonderful post describes 15 different specific low- & high-prep class discussion stretegieshttps://www.cultofpedagogy.com/speaking-listening-techniques/
App that provides teachers feedback on portions of class are teacher talk, student talk, group talk, and wait timehttps://teachfx.com/
A Socratic Seminar site for rigorous approach, designed to improve students’ critical thinking and communication skills.https://www.paideia.org/our-approach/paideia-seminar/index
Lesson plans for wide range of grade levels. Outline the Socratic seminar process and suggest questions for more than 70 texts—fhttps://www.paideia.org/our-approach/paideia-seminar/sample-paideia-seminar-plans
Link to multiple videos models on implemeting Socratic Seminars into the classroomhttps://www.teachingchannel.org/site-search?keyword=socratic+seminar
This doc provides overview, key elements, sample questions, and more for teachers to implement Socratic SeminarsSocSem.pdf
This Word Document provides overview, directions, management, and possible setp and assessment methods for Socratic SeminarsSocratic_Seminars-Directions.doc
Grant Wiggins-Socratic Seminar.pdf
This article explains the history and theory of the Socratic method of teaching, which emphasizes teacher-student dialogue. Thehttp://www.learnnc.org/lp/pages/4994
Preparing for a Socratic Seminar.pdf
Socratic Seminar Posters.pdf
Socratic Seminar Questioning.pdf
Sample Evaluation-Observation Sheets.pdf
Socratic Seminar Prep Work Samples.pdf
Wonderful post describes 15 different specific low- & high-prep class discussion stretegieshttps://www.cultofpedagogy.com/speaking-listening-techniques/
ASCD article on What is Performance-Based Learning and Assessment, and Why is it Important?http://www.ascd.org/publications/books/196021/chapters/What_is_Performance-Based_Learning_and_Assessment,_and_Why_is_it_Important%C2%A2.aspx
Edutopia article by Patricia Hilliard, PhD, Director of STEM Acceleratorhttp://www.edutopia.org/blog/performance-based-assessment-reviewing-basics-patricia-hilliard
Solution Tree PLC Overview.pdf
Critical Issues For PLC Team Consideration.pdf
Cultural Shifts in a PLC.pdf
PLC terms glossary.pdf
Promising Practices-Professional Learning Communities.pdf
PLC Template forms.pdf
All Things PLC downloadable resources, including protocols and templateshttp://www.allthingsplc.info/tools-resources/page,1/filtered,0/categories,/type
Fantastic article by Parry Graham and Bill Ferriter on the 7 stages the PLCs generally go through as they progress and mature.http://www.esc16.net/users/0020/2015%20Summit/One%20Step%20at%20a%20Time.pdf
A wonderful example of an elementary school PLC comprehensive manualhttp://www.allthingsplc.info/files/uploads/montezuma-plc-handbook-2394.pdf
Atals Protocol for Analyzing Data.pdf
PLC data_analysis_protocol.pdf
PLC Constructing Data Wallsv2003.ppt
TestItemAnalysisCalculator_V2_Excel_2003 (1).xls
PLC Portfolio Activities.pdf
Atals Protocol for Analyzing Data_1.pdf
PLC data_analysis_protocol_1.pdf
Here\_s What So What Now What Data Analysis Protocol.doc
Atlas-Looking at Student Work Protocol.pdf
Descriptive Review Protocol.pdf
LAST Protocol2.pdf
A bank of downloadable PLC protocol templates from School Reform Institutehttp://www.schoolreforminitiative.org/protocols/
National School Reform Faculty's bevy of "Critical Friends" downloadable protocolshttp://www.nsrfharmony.org/free-resources/protocols
At this site there a multitude of downloadable, free PLC Protocols and Templates availablehttp://www.allthingsplc.info/tools-resources/page,1/filtered,0/categories,/type
A collaborative student work analysis protocol from Harvard's Project Zerohttp://schoolreforminitiative.org/doc/cac.pdf
PLC Systematic Intervention Template.pdf
PLC Pyramid of Interventions Considerations.pdf
PLC Pyramid of Interventions Schedule Examples Elementary.pdf
Pyramid of Intervetions HS Example.pdf
PLC Student Profiency Tracker.xlsx
PLC at Work Continuum Self-Assessment Rubric.pdf
PLC learningasourfundamentalpurpose_part1.pdf
PLC Smart goal worksheet template.pdf
TeamSMART goal-setting plan template.pdf
PLC Smart Goal Worksheet-3rd grade example.pdf
PLC Smart goal worksheet-8th grade Example.pdf
PLC Smart Goal Worksheet_HS SS Example.pdf
Action Plan Template_001.doc
PLC Action Plan Elementary Reading Exemplar.doc
PLC Action Plan Math Exemplar.doc
PLC Action Plan Secondary ELA Exemplar.doc
PLC Action Plan NON-Eample.doc
PLC Team Meeting Log TEMPLATE.doc
PLC_Team_Roles & Descriptions.pdf
PLC Team Roles to Consider.pdf
Establishing_Team Meeting_Roles Template.doc
PLCMinutesTemplate 2.doc
This site provides you with tons of tools, resources, and information about PLC's and is supported by Solution Tree.http://www.allthingsplc.info/tools-resources
This is the School District of Osceola County, FL phenomenal website with links and hundreds of very useful tools, examples, andhttp://www.osceola.k12.fl.us/depts/ResearchEvalAcct/ProfessionalLearningCommunities.asp
elementary success.pdf
Know Your Contract_2024.pdf
Reading Instruction Across the Content Areas in the PA Core Era.pdf
Effective Vocabulary Supplemental Handout 1_1.pdf
Vocab Presentation Supplemental Handout 2_1.pdf
active learning-to share gettysburg.pdf
My Classroom Management Presentation.pdf
Grades 9-10 Grammar and Mechanics Instructional Framework.pdf
Grade 11-12 Grammar & Mechanics Framework Packet.pdf
11-12 Formative Assessment Portfolio.pdf
11-12 Grammar & Mechanics & Vocab Tracking Reflection Sheet.pdf
Grades 9-10 G & M Tracking & Reflection Sheet.pdf
9-10 Formative Assessment Portfolio.pdf
10th Writing Tracking & Reflection.pdf
SPSEA Servant-Leadership Training- Transtion Meeting 2018.pdf