Welcome 5th Grader!
Have some fun and review with these quick quizzes
Like the refridgerator card, but better
Has information for all parts of the SOL. Mainly for teachers but students can review from it.
Has information for all parts of the SOL. Mainly for teachers but students can use for review.
Written for students
More in-depth information
Written for students
More in-depth information
Written for students
More in-depth information
In-depth information
Written for students
More in-depth information
Links to reports done by other students. Double check for accuracy but might be a good place to get ideas.
Lots of information but make sure the information goes with your tribe.
Make sure the information you find on this site goes with your tribe! Kid-friendly.
Interactive Activities
Has great information. Even if not used as the webquest the information is worth it.
Has links to other sources about each explorer
Has information for all parts of the SOLs. Mainly for teachers but students can use to review.
Has activities and information for the explorers we need plus many more!
Interactive Activity
Includes reading comprehension, interactive scavenger hunts, and more
Has a great question sheet to fill out as the students go along
Beginning to 1700
Has information for all parts of the SOLs. Mainly for teachers but students can use to review.
Has a lot of information on culture of early settlers
Lots of information and activities
Links to many sites with information on Colonial Times
Many activities and information just for kids
Information on Colonial Trades (jobs)
Simple, kid-friendly information
10 min video showing how the nation grew until about 1789
Written by children, easy to understand
Great place to start!
Has tons of great information
Should be whole group
Has short descriptions of both the leading up to the war as well as events during the war. Great for researching "oddball" stor
Has detailed descriptions of events and includes pictures of some people and events
Has events listed by years. When you click on the event, the related primary soruce wording comes up.
Has descriptions of some events of Revolution. Events mentioned are extra to SOLs
Has pictures and short biographies.
Has short info about Boston Massacre and Tea Party as well as Timeline
Has information pertaining to all parts of the SOL. Mainly for teachers but students can review from it.
Simple, kid-friendly information
Simple, kid-friendly information
Comprehensive Site
Has activities and short movies
Has kid friendly information
Has the students decide who they would choose
Has great information
Goes with Branches of Government poster they need to create
Has grade level appropriate information. Might be a good jigsaw activity
Has information for all parts of the SOL. Mainly for teachers but students can review from it.
Information on all aspects of government
Simple, kid-friendly information
Simple, kid-friendly information
Has short video clips about Congress
Slide Show
Has links to different webquests
Interactive. Goes with questions on worksheet
Created by Scholastic
Journey told in short chunks
Has information for all parts of the SOL. Mainly for teachers but students can use to review.
Play the original game. Press F3 when asked to flip the disk.
frequently asked questions about Lewis and Clark
list of goverment web sites with maps and information
animals discovered by Lewis and Clark
Interactive site - Lewis and Clark
the animals and plants Lewis and Clark discovered
great research for Lewis and Clark
a PBS site where great authors discuss Lewis and Clark
research plants and animals Lewis and Clark discovered
the best interactive site - Lewis and Clark
the impact of Lewis and Clark on the land and the people
scientific encounters of Lewis and Clark
Great Primary Sources
Great Primary Sources
Has information for all parts of the SOL. Mainly for teachers but can be used by students for review.
Examine primary sources to help discover causes of the Civil War
Directly linked to VA SOLs
Lyrics and melody (for some)
Multiple sources for various events
Has letters the studens examine
Has information on people, battles, experiences, and timeline. Great for research.
For Teachers- great primary sources
Digital history of the Civil War and the events leading up to it
For fun
Quia games
Webquest- Useful Information but too large for our typical needs
Breaks the resources down by SOL strand
Teacher created, sorted by time period
Has primary sources from Early America
Lesson plans divided by SOL strand and bullet. Created by VDOE
Scroll down to find pretty much everything you need to teach each SOL.
Has teacher guides to go with each
Poems about all aspects of history
Links to sites for History
One teacher's collection of how to teach each unit
One teacher's whole curriculum, from homework to activities
Has quia resources for each strand
Has info on many famous Americans
Tests knowledge through colonies
Tests knowledge through Civil War
Graphic Organizers for all units
Interactive Activities
After you have done the modules, you can play the game!
2 minute video
Goes beyond 5th grade but has good information
Interactive game using light knowledge
Light Sources and Rays
Reflection Mirrors
Interactive Activities
Interactive activities
Might be a good webquest. Might just be good background knowledge for teachers.
Has great pictures
Goes beyond 5th grade but has great information
Goes beyond 5th grade but has great information
Goes beyond 5th but good info
Goes beyong 5th but good info
Has info and examples but may need some vocabulary help
Interactive to explore cells
Interactive covering many topics
Students research the relationship between the oceans, humans, and animals
Info for habitats, life, currents, regions, and ocean floor
Webquest focusing on coral reefs
The links do not work but the information to get them started on the webquest is great.
Looks to be complete
Comprehensive site for all ocean topics
Information about ocean animals and a few plants
Enchanted Learning information with links to animals that live in the zone
Enchanted Learning information including links to animals that live in the zone
Overall description of zones
Comprehensive slide show
Has information on some different habitats in the ocean. Great for a group, pair, or individual research project.
Has pictures and descriptions of MANY ocean animals.
Quick activity
Not an ocean web, but a good review
Description of rocks, minerals, and rock cycle.
Short Movie
Detailed Animated Clip
Has animations for the different boundaries
Information and you can BUILD YOUR OWN VOLCANO
Has illustrations and information
Interactive with info for almost all topics
Goes with worksheet
Interactive Activities
General study guides for all science SOLs in Word format
Resources for all of the standards
Not all are 5th grade SOLs
Has activities for all topics
Game reviewing the solar system.
Games to review 4th grade material.
Has links to resources/games for 4th grade material
After the modules, you can play this game.
Build and test your own circuits
Quia Game
Interactive Activity
Interactive Activity
Movie Clip with quiz
Movie clip with quiz
After the modules, you can play this game.
Short Animation
Interactive Activity
Interactive Activity
Diagram and Description
Can be a one or two player game
Interactive quizzes covering all topics
Has games to practice grammar skills.
Rags to Riches Game
Short passage with 10 questions on a variety of topics.
TONS of language and reading activities.
Research Link
Editing Practice
Has different grade levels to choose from
Sequencing Activity
Sequencing Games
Practice both language and reading comprehension skills
Click on each reading skill and it will bring you to practice.
has activities for many reading and language skills
HUGE collection
Tons of games from CA
Short passages with multiple choice
short but good
online quiz with self checking
25 questions
Fill in the blank
Fill in the blank
Fill in the blank 2
read paragraph and answer question
read and answer questions
read and answer questions
uses nonfiction to teach skill
gives hints
short passages with questions
put comic strips in order then answer questions
short and to the point
short and to the point
Pretty much like an SOL test. LONG.
quia game
need to be careful with details!
Use clues in sentence to find the places
reading passage with questions
context clues in a sentence
move cows by correct answers
has hint at the top
no hint at the top
Super easy! Creates bar graphs, line charts, pie graphs, and area graphs. Very kid friendly.
Interactive. Has something for numbers, data, and shapes
Has both customary and metric. Clicking on proper lengths.
Walks student through various games and skills.
FABULOUS! Interactive!
TONS of interactive games and activities for all math topics.
Has MANY interactive activites to learn and practice each skill.
Have fun with fractions
Wow, What a great site for fractions!
Links to sites with practice games for many skills
Adding Decimals
Adding Decimals
Subtracting Decimals
Multiplying Decimals
Multiplying Decimals
Games for lots of decimal skills
All steps of fractions are here
Variety of Skills
From a teacher, not a whole school
Links by SOLs
Links by SOLs
Links by SOLs
Pre-made vocab lists for all subjects
There is Something for Everyone on This Site!
different games for many skills sorted by grade level
Fraction Game
Fraction Game
Ordering fractions game
Spelling Game
Spelling Game
Reading Comprehension/Grammar Game
Word Game
Word Scramble Game
Spelling Game
Spelling Game
Spelling/Word Game
Word Search Game
Typing Game
Fill in missing letters game