Welcome to WJCC ITRT Resources
Fun and appropriate for 4 - 5 year olds
Interactive Math Tools and Manipulatives K-8
Tons of Activities and Games
Practice your Basic Facts
Interactitve Fractions
Collection of Math Powerpoints
Interactive Tools and Activities for K-8
Tons of Activities and games
Practice Your Basic Facts
another BBC site with great activities
Problem Solving
Interactitve Fractions
Try Thinking Blocks
13 Chapters FREE - see how each problem is solved, hints provided and step by step solutions
Do Aliens Live under New York?
Tons of activities and games
Free resource for Algebra and Higher Math
another great BBC website with great activities
FREE - 13 Chapters - step by step instructions with hints and answers
A slew of Mathematical tools and ideas
Free resource for Algebra and Higher Math
Lots of Activities and links for HS kids
is a free and multi-platform dynamic mathematics software for schools that joins geometry, algebra and calculus
Hotlist of topics
Be patient as this is a PDF document download
Federal Resources for Educational Excellence
For K-6 grades
Games, Puzzles, Problems, Brain Teasers & More Fun
Try Arithmetiles and Suduko
The slope changes each time!
Actually for the Nintendo DS hand-held system but you can get an idea of how it works here.
Test your Brain Power here!
Daily Brain Teaser and other games
Suspense FULL
If you can last 18 seconds you can be a fighter pilot!
Sudoku and word puzzles
Click on Suduko
DMOZ Portal of Sudoku links
Create and print
For geometry and more
Free Online resource for math practice and testing
Students can compete against others online
a game for anyone who is trying to learn multiplication.
Teach the Old Way and or the New Way! Lots of Resources
Elementary math teacher offers up numerous multimedia resources that will help students go beyond simple memorization.
is an automated service for answering common math problems over the internet.
drag and drop
Interactive Math Skills k-5
Elementary Mathematics K-5
Elementary Geometry
Fairy Fun - good practice for girls
interactive games
Math Activities and Interactive Games
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with SOLs
Interactive Math and Science
by SOL k-6
Scroll down to math