Welcome to itrt-rcps!
Rockingham County, VA
designing and directing curriculum-based telecomputing
Lee's Summit, MO
technology for teaching, learning, communicating
interactive online tracks for students
Science Made Simple, Inc.
Vicki Blackwell
Educational Services (Virginia)
free stuff for educators
Brainy Betty
Free Teaching and Learning Resources from Federal Agencies
topic-by-topic list of online teaching resources
Education World
amazing current data from WHO, UN, World Stats & other official sources!
developed for autistic children
VSTE 2007 presentation (downloadable files)
descriptions and video demonstrations
The San Diego Union-Tribune
download freeware, shareware, and utilities for Win & Mac
free tech support, tips, tricks & tutorials
capture images, record videos, and share ... for FREE!
free password tool for keeping track of passwords safely
online file storage and sharing space
create, edit, access, and share files!
instant messaging, voice and desktop sharing
real-time collaboration and screen sharing
create projects and pages online free
online voice comment & sharing tool
create a page with RSS widgets
video explanation
The Science Spot lessons & activities
multiple grade levels and subject areas
gps/gis in grades k-12
UVA Center for Technology and Teacher Education
Keystone AEA
The Institute of Navigation
basics, resources, data sources, user groups, lesson plans, and more!
teaching tips and tricks for using gps
GIS / GPS in the news and educational use
JMU-STEM (includes curriculum)
information, resources and tutorials
maps and publications
animations (requires Shockwave)
hunting and hiding cache
treasure boxes and rubber stamps
hunting for survey markers
visiting every latitude and longitude
protecting our most valuable resource
monitoring frogs and toads
have bug will travel
cyber-tracking ornithology
finding and sharing books
where the journey becomes art
geodashing, shutterspot, geopoker, geogolf, and more
Flat Stanley travels all over ... find him or hide your own
ESRI gis and mapping software for Mac & PC
ESRI gis and mapping software for PC
freeware and shareware for PC
free online GPS data map and profile utility
Google's satellite image earth viewer
Microsoft's mapping interface
live satellite views of earth
download hundreds of free maps and images
reviews and comparisons of features
We'll Take You There.
works with ArcView, ArcMap, Landview, ArcExplorer
Driven By Imagination and Innovation.
linking your gps to your camera
type in address
free download
Google Earth ("un"official guide)
Carleton College
interactive tutorial
official blog
lesson plans and resources
how-tos for various content areas
lesson plans
interesting things to do with Google Earth
unusual and amazing sights!
unexplainable land and sea formations
Place of the Day and other explorations
lots of unique photographs of oddities
links to interesting content
news about Google Maps, Earth & SketchUp
Alan Quimby's GPS, GIS, & GE Resources
Dean Shareski
Stefan Geens' look at virtual globes
Jennifer Dorman (5/2009)
John Hendron (2/2009)
Sarah Walters (2008)
includes student claymations
professional claymation
gallery and tips for stop motion video
Henrico County, VA
Mount Royal - Saskatchewan
clay animation kit, lesson plans, & training materials
teaching ideas and tips
Apple Learning Interchange
Newfoundland, Canada
introduction to the basics of making digital movies
St. Joseph School (Lincoln, NE)
video sharing site for kids
John Lennon Films (professional)
Dreamsite Productions, Inc. (professional)
Art Clokey's original work (professional)
Robert Truscio
download free flipbooks and software
high school student who never ceases to amaze!
Requires Flash Player
great tool for creating online animations and storyboards
online resource
download 30-day trial version
history of comics and types
great article about uses of comics in education
lots of great student examples!
book with templates & software!!! (click Specials)
A Cultural and Heritage Exchange Initiative
University of Houston (Texas)
Center for Digital Storytelling
tools, workshops, and resources
digital storytelling in education, families and international
Georgetown, KY
Lexington, MA
Dana Atchley Productions
In a lifetime ... we carry stories in our heads.
your stories, your photos, your life ... shared forever
family stories
idea sharing and discussion
audio slideshows & podcasting - FREE
Kenton County School District, KY
tips & pointers for classroom video projects
video guide resource for teachers and students
digital map with tips for teacher / student movies
University of Wisconsin
Lubbock, TX ISD
Mrs. Levin's Pre-K Pages
THE journal
Kennewick School District
lesson plans, tutorials, teacher forum and more!
information about all models
includes the microscope attachment!
build it yourself!
Social Studies
Rockingham Co., VA
elearning 2.0
open source course management system
Unleash the true potential of your moodle
JiME - Journal of Interactive Media in Education
Moodle Blog
educational network
Henrico Co., VA
home of Grammar Girl, Mighty Manners Guy, and more
your guide to education related podcasts
Bob Sprankle
Harvard University
Mac Publishing
Apple iPod
millions of free podcasts
Apple Podcasts - subscribe online
Stephanie Failes
UWyo College of Education
great for beginners
Website Estates (commercial)
PowerBacks PowerPoint
teacher-created ppts on just about every topic
What are you doing?
instant message everywhere
free download for making calls and video conferencing
visit virtual rooms and interact with other teachers
find a group or set up one for your class or team
set up or participate in a free message board
connective kids around the world
where learners connect
Windows Live Spaces article
College Central Network article
Digital Inspiration article
free for classroom use, $100/4 min. for broadcast
Read terms of use before using for broadcast.
freeware - royalty free soundpack
Pay as low as $5 per album and use for broadcast.
Creative Commons licensing, podsafe, optional donation of $5 per song
CNET - free music downloads, not podsafe
free and subscribed usage for downloading midi files
links to thousands of legal music downloads
free background music, loops and sound effects
millions of mp3s - listen, download, subscribe
buy royalty free background music - about $30/CD
professional production music - $55/60 seconds
podsafe - Creative Commons licensing
CNET - free music downloads, not podsafe
free music downloads, podsafe (with credit to musician)
free developer loops for download in wav, mp3 or flashtrak
free mp3 downloads, use with Gcast
free site for finding sound effects and music on the web
free classical music directory
register for personal use of free loops and music
nonprofit organization providing free tools
royalty free music for libraries and schools at $99 and up
lots of interactives
interactive word games (requires Shockwave)
language games
Cricket Primary School
beginning reading interactives
free - 150 word limit
free - 500 character limit
free - 150 word limit (Alta Vista)
free - 10,000 character limit (SDL)
Jarrod Lisker (Powhattan, VA)
lots of math activities for K-6!
everything fractions!
Science and Math Equations
worldwide web cams
find out what happened on any day in history
satellite & mapping application
online mapping application
textbook support
K-12 activities and games
Obe Hostetter
Pearson Educational Measurement
Henrico County Public Schools
flashcards in every subject area for download
many games and activities in every subject area
Rockingham County, VA
Canadian Government Site
Media Awareness Network
Web Quest by Stacy LeFevre (Nevada)
UK interactive
Child Net
links to lots of games
great ideas for teachers, parents, and kids
book excerpts
subscribe for free guide & weekly tips
National Cyber Security Alliance
e-Safety Education
February–March 2008 ● American Psychologist
the name says it all
From Now On by Jamie McKenzie
Ezine @rticles - innovative web design
the beauty of css
lots of techniques, tutorials, and resources
Adobe's design site for Dreamweaver
Web Design Group
Plano Independent School District, TX
Adobe user exchange
commercial products
Creative Commons
Creative Commons
Creative Commons
Creative Commons
Creative Commons
Creative Commons
Creative Commons
Creative Commons
Creative Commons
Creative Commons
Creative Commons
Creative Commons
Creative Commons
Creative Commons
Creative Commons
Creative Commons
Smart Webby
About.com tips
WMU Faculty Resources
Mozilla Nvu official site
basic use handout (pdf)
Kids, waddle around and make new friends!
hangout for teens
add a talking avatar to your web site
Marc Prensky
Marc Prensky
Marc Prensky
advance learning through IT innovation
Tammy Worcester
eLearn Magazine
free software
non-profit global network for teachers and students
interactive learning through videoconferences
Enhancing Education @ Carnegie Mellon
U.S. Department of Education
Teacher Tap
Mark Pepper @ purdue.edu
Teen Second Life
e-Learning Online
video conferencing
video conferencing
video conferencing
video conferencing
video conferencing
multiple topics and subject areas
Lighting the Spark
free tool for recording skype calls
Mac application (stop motion)
free PC/Mac/Linux video animation application
classroom activities
tons of digital photography tools!
Teachers Network
Education World
blog & aggregator
links to lots of great sites
my uploaded videos
my uploaded videos
example of a simple web page in First Class
what are you doing?