The ISB Grade 3 Web Portal
Math Games
a collection of games
practice facts, time
A website that allows you to create tessellations
Interaction activities
Simple Graphing Tool
Advanced Graphing Tool
National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
Four games
Probability game
Probability game
Learning Probability
Probability story
National Geographic
Enchanted Learning
Magic Tree House Book Activities
A website that provides some support materials for novels and books
Authors teaching the correct pronunciation for their names
Username: isbtumble Password: 12345678
Kids Mysteries
write an insstant poem
Poetry Fridge Magnets
Write a shape poem on line
Gives a frame and students fill in words to make a poem.
A site for reading lists for children's literature
A site for reading lists for children's literature
Children's books presented by the Screen Actors' Guild with support material available
Great on-line books
Win free rice to help end hunger while you learn new vocabulary words
All About Rainforest
comparison of rainforests
A website about people of the rainforest
Another website about the rainforest
Be an Ad Detective
A lesson on choice
A website for Literature related to economic books
An interactive website for advertising
A webquest on economics
Pictures of money of the world
Provides blackline and color pictures of flags
rainforest comparision
characteristics of a rain forest
Good short information about many Rain Forest animals
Information about Brazilian Animals
Animals listed according to the layer in which they live
Enchanted Learning
Rainforest Animals
Shows how plants do it
The site explains adaptation and provides 4 examples of how frogs feet have adapted to their habitat.
A website about animal adaptation in the rainforest
Earth Materials & Structures of Life
Crayfish information and pictures
Crayfish diagram and information
Excellent labeled photograph
Frequency Charts, Tally marks
Data Handling
Math - Multiplication Practise
Keeping ourselves safe online
The search engine just for the ES
Great starting place for research
Great for searching for images
Using SafeSearch filter from Google
A smarter safer way to search the internet
Using google's safesearch filer
Click on the icons on the right hand side!
keyboard skills G3-5
You MUST log into your school email account FIRST)
Digital Storytelling
Turn your pdf into an online book!
Online digital storytelling
Word clouds!
Our ES Hub Blog
Search the ES library catalogue
Username: isbtumble (see your teacher for password)
Username: isbpg (see your teacher for password)
Reading about Animals
Username: eshub (see your teacher for password)
A website that provides information on reading levels of books as well as many titles of books
Makes word puzzle signs