Welcome to SRDS Tech Links for Teachers!
Excellent animations.
Bring an expert into your classroom.
Real-world science and research students can participate in.
Comprehensive site of language learning tools.
Scroll down to Learning Objective and choose Learn a Language.
Podcasts of current events at various skill levels.
Podcasts of current events at various skill levels.
Create comic strips in the target language
Music notation, composing, singing, piano, more.
3D VR paint app for use with Oculus headset.
Create, record, and share music on any device.
For 3D printing and laser cutting.
Free, all-in-one podcasting tool
Current events at five reading levels, plus discussion guides.
also teachinghistory.org
Virtual visits with authors
Create your own stories or retellings
From Commonsense Media - some free, some paid.
Excellent animations.
Choose by activity or device.
Make online quizzes for your students
*Lesson plans, etc.
Graphic Novels, Cartoons, etc.
First lines of stories, thesis sentences, responses to prompts, etc.
nifty tool from Google makes files editable
for student projects