if you're here, know that I miss you!
1960's and 1970's
Fads of the 1960's
American Cultural History (1960-1969)
The Groovy 1960's
Newspapers 1940 to now
Name the capitals!
NSA: the bad and the good! (Lydia BP's site)
"Extinct" bird found alive! How about the dodo?
100 People Who Have Made a difference
Environmental Activists
Characteristics of an activist
Youth-Led Activist Organizations
What Does it Mean to Be an Activist?
Famous Activists
Brown v Board site
Anti-Racism Activists
Young LGBTQ Activists
Air pollution
10 causes of air pollution
Causes of air pollution
More causes of air pollution
Environmental Effects of Air Pollution
Effects of air pollution
Cool facts; Causes of pollution
And more causes....
Cool Facts: CAUSES of Pollution
Effects of Air Pollution
Cool Facts: EFFECTS of air pollution
More effects of air pollution
Effects of Air Pollution: Acid Rain
5 easy steps to reduce air pollution
Ways to reduce air pollution
How the Clean Air Act is Working
How to Take Action to Reduce Air Pollution
Preventing Air Pollution
Acid Rain
Vehicles Cause Air Pollution
Effects of Acid Rain
Factories and Air pollution
Coal facts---coal and air pollution
Lung cancer tied to air pollution
Lung cancer tied to air pollution
Indoor Air Pollution
Air pollution test page
Around the World in 100 days
name that canadian province or territory
name that state
virtual museum of canada
puzzle--southern africa
pics and facts about countries
African country name changes
western europe puzzle
national geographic travel
western europe quiz
western europe quiz 2
learn some russian vocabulary
map--former Soviet Union before 1991
eastern europe map
Bills Become Law
"Kids in the House"--How Laws are Made
Visual--Bill Becoming law in State
Project Vote Smart
State--poster--how bill becomes law (California, but applies to Maine)
YouTube: I'm Just a Bill
Black History Month
Black History Month--statistics
Notable African Americans
Time for Kids articles
Debate: SHOULD we have Black History Month?
Candidates bios 2020
Donald Trump (Ducksters)
Joe Biden (Kiddle article)
Donald Trump (Kiddle article)
Joe Biden (Biography.com)
Sara Gideon (Wikipedia)
Maine Senate Race (Ballotpedia)
Susan Collins (Ballotpedia)
Kamala Harris (Kiddle article)
Mike Pence (biography.com)
Maine census stats
Census Quiz for Kids
Facts for Features
Census Participation--2000
Animated progression of population
US population since 1790
Maine Quick Facts from Census
US Population/ Race; since 1790
Biographies of the Delegates
biographies of the founding fathers
Bill of Rights
Rights vs Responsibilities (video)
Basic Info about the Constitution
Bill of Rights case studies
Current Events
Front pages from around the world
Google News
Maine/Local news
Time For Kids news
USA Today
News for Kids
CNN/Student News
Learning Network--students
The Week
The New York Times
Tween Current Events
CBS news
Top 20 news sites!
This week's quiz
Yahoo News
NBC News
Bloomberg's (Economic news)
Yahoo Finance
Fox News
Daily Questions
March 30
May 5
Leadership School Survey
Drop-out information
Rates, by gender, 1960-2006
Drop out rates by ethnicity
School Drop out rates in Maine
Graduation rate by state
Wally's Stock Trading
Defeat the National Debt
US National Debt Clock
GDP by country
Lemonade Stand
Maine revenue/shortfall
New Deficit Panel
GDP--most recent--by country
Interviews with NH Great Depression survivors!
What's going on with Apple stocks?
How Congress Spends our Money
Tax Facts; state by state
Vocabulary on Quizlet
Currencies of the World
Goods from Maine
Largest companies by revenue
Property taxes in Maine (FAQ)
Five most capitalist countries
Fast Facts on Great Depression
Election Time
"On the Issues" (Federal)
Song parody: Obama vs. McCain (oldie, but goodie)
60 Years of Negative Attack Ads (presidential) in one video
All About the Electoral College
campaign flyers
Candidate Matchmaker
commercials through the years
Delegate Tracker
Electoral Map: "270 to win"
Electoral Maps over the years
Electoral Votes over the Years
How to make a great palm card
Ideas for editorial cartoon messages
Important Dates in presidential election
Information from Electoral Map
list of Super PACs
Mainers on the Issues
Money raised/spent presidential campaign
more palm cards
patriotic music
Presidential Poll Tracker
Quiz on Elections
Road to the White House (Election 2020; Scholastic)
See which candidate you match up with
The Electoral College (Ducksters)
United States presidential election, 2016
US Census; population demographics
YouTube: CNN Explains Conventions (PRE Covid)
Environmental Games
The Green Squad
Planet Slayer
Five Themes of Geography
Tons of U.S. Regions!
Regions of Maine 2
Regions of Maine 3
What people are called in each country
Currency of Each Country
Languages spoken in every country
Geography Games
Play GeoNet
Variety of Geography Games
Geography Trivia
Funbrain Geography
Name that country
Practice for National Geo. Bee
Travel Pod game
Map Match
Choose the state
Middle East map game
Name the 50 states
States and Capitals
Name the Capitals!
Tons of practice games
Europe--name the countries
Click on ASIA countries!
Descriptions of governments
The Democracy Project (pbs)
BBC Types of Government
Governments --in graphics!
Government type--for each country
Ben's guide to US government (3 branches)
Three Branches of Gov't (Fact Monster)
Maine state government
Portland government
Great Depression
Brother Can You Spare a Dime (youtube)
FDR's inaugural speech (just an excerpt)
Gulf of Maine
Gulf of Maine map
Water depths
General description of G.of M.
Habitat protection
Gulf of Maine Research Institute
Underwater Landscape of GofM
Plankton in Gulf
Another bathymetry
The Geology
What is the Gulf of Maine?
Bay of Fundy
Georges Bank
Cashes Ledge
Gulf of Maine; General sites
Gulf of Maine Research Institute
Gulf of Maine Council
Gulf of Maine Times
GoMOOS (buoy data collection)
USM site: Gulf of Maine
Gulf of Maine Coastal program
GoMoos hourly data
Immigrant Stories
Immigrants from all over
Stories from Today's Immigrants
"One Thing" they brought
Three Recent Immigrants; Kids who immigrated
Their Stories
Stories of Immigrants (modern)
When They Came
Immigration 1900-1940
Immigration ; Many places; games
ThinkQuest Immigration site
Immigration statistics
List of Wars
List of famines
Instead of Googling your country, try these
World Info Zone
CIA World Factbook
Background Notes (info about each country)
Nations Online
Infoplease--info on world
HRW World Atlas (click continent on top)
Geography IQ
Geographic. Org
Every Culture
Countries Organized by Continent
Atlapedia--Countries A to Z
Physical maps
Encyclopedia of Nations
Kid Cyber (choose "People and Places")
Nation master
Comparing Size of Countries to US
Foods by Country
Overseas Adventure Travel
Fact Monster; facts about countries
Gapminder Interactive map
Around the World (Time for Kids)
Names of people from different countries
Top names of many countries
Culture grams (username: portlandpps login: maine)
Global Conflict tracker
Environmental Justice atlas (environmental issues
International Disputes
Issues 2012
Understanding the Issues (Time for Kids)
Barack on the Issues
Mitt Romney on the issues
Comparing Mitt and Barack on issues (scroll down)
Jill Stein on the issues
Maine Senate on Issues (scroll down)
Romney vs. Johnson on issues
Mainers on the issues
Mainers on the Issues (go to links on right hand side)
Latitude and Longitude
Latitude and Longitude tutorial
Find Hannah!
Lat. and Long. Practice!
Find latitude and longitude of Earthquakes
Find lat., long of cities
latitude and longitude PRETEST!
Latitude and Longitude of Cities; 2
Learning the United States
Learn the capitals
Different levels of naming states
Name that state
Major Events in History (choosing one)
American History Timelines
Interesting Events of the 20th Century
American History
Someone asked: "10 Most Important Events in World History"
World's Worst Natural Disasters
Inventions that Changed The World
The 100 Most Influential People Throughout Time
Shaded Relief Map of Maine
National Geo. Map Machine
Cities and Towns Map of Maine
Variety of Maine maps
Product maps (under
Countries and their maps!
Themed Maps of world
Maps and Atlases
CIA World Factbook
National Geographic Map Machine
World Atlases; facts and figures
Importing and exporting figures
Finding latitude and longitude
Math Lab
Angles Game
Estimating Angles (aliens!)
Area and Perimeter
Adding like fractions
Mr. T's Data Collection
"On Expedition" survey results
"Who's New?" survey results
Ms. Kamps
Gonna Eat That?
Don't Gross Out the World!
Newspaper Web Audience
Online Newspaper Reading
Lots of statistics
Print Newspapers readership going down
A Debate about it (challenging)
An interesting debate graph (keep clicking!)
Why read online?
Why read print newspapers
Newspapers or the Planet? (environment is discussed)
Article to read in class
Olympic Quizzes
Tons of Olympic Quizzes
Olympics Sports Quiz
Lots of TOUGH quizzes!
Famous Olympic Moments
Quiz! Olympic Facts
Political Cartoons
Cagle's Daily Cartoons
USA today cartoons
political cartoons . com
town hall political cartoons
Presidential Politics
President for a Day
Take the survey: Should you be President?
Difference Just One Vote can Make
Primary/Secondary Sources
Take this Quiz!
Maine Memory Network
Bill of Rights--Kid-friendly version
Photos from the Great Depression
Protest songs
Anti-war songs website
Lyrics: I'm Just a Girl
Big Yellow Taxi
Lyrics: Beatles/Revolution
Lyrics: In the Year 2525
Lyrics: Born in the USA
Ballad of the Green Beret
Actually a patriotic song; written in 1966
Lyrics: Ohio
Lyrics: I am Woman
Earth Day, Every Day
Chicago (written after Dem. National Conv.)
Lyrics: Don't go near the Water
Lyrics: Indian Reservation
Lyrics: Chicago
Song/Lyrics: Generation
Lots of things we can do to help
Rainforest map
Printout of map
Great Rainforest sites for kids
Poster ideas
Explorers website
Wikipedia: Explorers
biographies on KidInfo
Search Engines
ALA Great Websites for kids
Survey Monkey
Student Questionnaire
Student Questionnaire 2
Talkin' Trash
History of Trash Timeline
Milestones in Garbage (timeline)
Lots of Environmental sites
EPA site for kids
Ben's Government Guide (scroll down to Environment)
EEK! Kid-friendly environmental magazine (use the search)
Environmental Projects by kids around the world
Lots More Sites for kids (scroll way down)
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Talkin' Trash sites for prep for speech
Glass Recycling and the Environment
geothermal energy
Paper and the Environment
Paper AND Glass!
Wind energy
Steel and Aluminum, too
Steel, Metals; great statistics
Solar Energy
Frequently Asked Questions about Solar Energy
Aluminum Cans (with Jimmy Neutron!)
Recycling Plastics
Wood Recycling (in the UK!)
Air pollution
Oil/a fossil fuel
Coal/ a fossil fuel
Fossil fuels
Energy page
Fossil fuels
Household waste
Household waste; hazardous products
Textiles and Recycling
Recycling textiles
Lots of statistics
The fifty states
Info please; 50 States
US 50
Enchanted Learning--50 states
Geography of the 50 States
Tidbits about the states (good for "place")
One fun fact about each state
Folktales from each state!
Facts about each state A to Z
The geographic centers of 50 states (absolute location!)
Regions of the US
State Populations from 2000-2005
Tourism in each state
Awesome America
This Date in History
Today in History
Birthdays, Deaths, Events
Lots of links!
On This Day in History
On This Day
Trade statistics
United States import and export numbers
State by state exports and imports
US exports with rest of world
US imports
Transportation Info and Quizzes!
Transportation Quiz!
Transportation Timeline
Women In History Month
Timeline of Achievements
Timeline; 1762-1896
Timeline for 20th Century
Women's Hall of Fame
Jumprope sign in
Jumprope log in
Rules to Live By
Biography Online
Brittanica (only can be used at school)
Wolfram Alpha
Google Translate
Easybib (for bibliography)
Surveillance uncovered a bomb threat
Lots of Intelligence Agencies
17 Spy Agencies in US
Civil War spies
10 Trickiest Spy Gadgets ever
The man behind the spy gadgets
Europe should be grateful to the NSA
Video on how the Enigma machine worked (Maddie's site)
Animal Spies
Using Robo-FLY's (insects) to spy (Lucy's site)
CIA's Spies---NOT human! (animals)
More on Animal Spies (Wren's site)
10 Ways Animals Have Served the Military (Wren's site)
How Surveillance has changed
History of Electronic surveillance
History of Surveillance cameras
History and Ethics of Surveillance
Timeline of surveillance and spying
Spy Techniques of the Revolutionary War
More history of american intelligence (PBS)
History of American Intelligence (Kids' Zone)
Intelligence gathering through history (National Cryptologic Museum)
Spying in the Civil War
Types of modern surveillance (Ahmad's site)
More modern surveillance
Video on modern surveillance equipment
Surveillance drones (Sid's site)
12 Top Spy Gadgets (Milo's site)
How the NSA is tracking people right now!
Pros and Cons of NSA Spying
Video on pros and cons of NSA spying
NSA and 4th Amendment (Lydia BP's site)
13 ways the NSA spies on us
Why we need government surveillance
top 10 things wrong with NSA surveillance of Americans (Ahmad's site)
NSA wants to build a computer that could decrypt anything (Lucy's site)
The benefits of surveillance (tough, long article! Challenging!)
The NSA site (Elijiah's)
Should governments spy on their citizens? (Pros and cons)
The NSA files! (Ikran's site)
Video on how the NSA is tracking you (Logan's site)
Tech Companies that NSA gets info from (Rose's site)
Video on NSA spying on more than they can handle (Lizzy's site)
Video: 10 ways the nsa spies on you (Nimo's site)
Lawmakers want more surveillance on ground and in sky (Neddie's site)
Video on NSA spying secrets (Logan's site)
Surveillance uncovered a bomb threat
NSA: the bad and the good! (Lydia BP's site)
Video: What kind of information is NSA collecting (Nimo's site)
Video-How to get a job at the NSA (Nimo's site)
Why American's DON'T fear the NSA (Jacob's site)
Other countries
China spies on its citizens
Researchers Find 25 Countries using surveillance software
Syria, Iran, China spy on citizens
Canada spies on its own citizens
Germany spies on its citizens
12 Governments that spy on their citizens
Countries under surveillance (drop down menu for each country)
Map of countries that use surveillance
Edward Snowden
Who is Edward Snowden (from a "Free Snowden" website)
Was Edward Snowden justified?
Edward Snowden (biography.com)
Ten BIG Things Snowden Leaked about NSA
Should governments spy on their citizens? (Pros and cons)
Dangers of CIA work
CIA Agents tell about their job
CIA Agent salary
"Dear Kids; Daddy's a Spy"
CIA info (Kids Zone)
School Surveillance
Chicago Schools to Install Cameras ($7 million)
Pros and Cons of School Video Cameras
Schools: Privacy vs. Security
Female spies
National Women's History Museum; Spy Exhibition
Top 10 Female spies
Civil War female spies faced danger!
Nylen's blog
Ms. Nylen's Social Studies blog from grade 6
Ms. Nylen's grade 7 blog
NWEA log in
Log in here
Bird Brain Quiz
Ms. MacLean's research packet
Intro: Why are Birds disappearing?
Ch. 1: What Would a World Without Birds Look Like?
World Without Fish
Intro: Lots of Hazards to birds
Intro: A Slideshow of Birds Facing Extinction, and why
Intro: Where Have the Birds gone?
Intro: Why are Birds disappearing?
Ch. 1 : Audubon article: "Why Do Birds Matter?" (lots of quotes!)
Ch. 1: What Would a World Without Birds Look Like?
Chapter 2: Hunting for Food (includes hunting for birds)
Chapter 2: Wild Bird Capture Techniques (may need to skim this article)
Ch. 2: Birdwatching as an Industry
Chapter 3: Project Puffin
Chapter 3: Saving the Great Blue Heron
Chapter 3: Recovering Bald Eagles in Maine
Chapter 3: "Extinct" bird found alive! How about the dodo?
Chapter 3: One White Heron; a story
Chapter 4: What is Wildlife Biology?
Chapter 4: Birders and Science: Citizen Science
Chapter 4: Scientists Identify Birds in Danger from Hunting/Trapping
Chapter 5: Florida's Disappeared Birds Mystery Solved
Chapter 5: Mass Death of Seabirds in Western US
Chapter 5: The Case of the Disappearing Quali
Chapter 5: The Extinction Crisis
Chapter 6: Killing spring birds is against the law
Chapter 6: Don't Feed the Ducks
Chapter 6: These Laws are for the Birds
Chapter 6: The Migratory Bird Act---updated?
Chapter 7: How many birds are killed by windmills (Maddie)
Chapter 7: Breeding Parakeets for Business
Chapter 7: Quail farming
Chapter 7: Bird Farming on the increase (Ostrich farming)
Chapter 7: Turkey Production on Factory Farms
Chapter 7: Raising Free-Range Chicken
Chapter 8: 8 Ways that Wind Companies are trying to STOP killing birds and bats (Zoe)
Chapt. 8: How will Drones Affect Birds?
Ch. 8: Birds Hurt by Cell Phone towers
Ch. 8: Radio Waves Affect Migrating Birds
Chapter 9: 5 Ways Pollution is Killing Animals (Maddie)
Ch. 9: Pollution Effects on Birds (different types of pollution)
Ch. 9: Plastic in Birds' Stomachs Reveals Ocean's Garbage Problem
Ch. 9: Light Pollution taking a toll on Wildife
Ch. 10: Climate Change Effects on Birds (start reading from "How Climate change affects birds"
Chap. 10: Climate Change: Audubon
Ch. 10: What does the Paris Climate Deal Mean?
Ch. 10: Climate Change will Disrupt Half of North America's Bird Species
Ch. 11: Audubon: How to Protect the Birds
Ch.11: 10 things you can do to help the birds
Ch. 11: Audubon: How to Protect the Birds
Ch. 11: 20 Ways to Conserve Birds
Ch. 11: 10 Ways to Help our Birds