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Take a trip on the Underground Railroad! Take notes!
Click on the quilt squares to learn about the Underground Railroad
A great free online dictionary that you can use any time to find the meaning of a word that you don’t understand.
Super site for all my awesome writers!
Enter your Words to Learn, and get games to help learn them!
Make your own story maps with this cool resource!
Put the main events of each chapter on a timeline. Choose Event for Unit of Measure. Print it when you're done! Cool!
Read and comment on our thoughts about the books we are reading.
Read James Preller's blog about all of the Mystery series.
After you finish reading the book, fill the cube with the elements of your mystery. Ask for a worksheet to help you plan!
Many different activities that go with his wonderful books!
Click to learn more about the author and how he gets his ideas!
Watch short videos about his life and many of his books.
Listen to ideas from another class about the book.
See the big events in the life of Laura Ingalls Wilder.
Learn about the characters of the Little House series.
Learn more about the life and times of the author.
Check out this cool way to learn!
Practice our words from chapters 9-10!
Practice our words from chapters 11-14!
Practice our words from chapters 15-17!
Links to questions for each chapter, plus Samoyeds and more!
Puzzles, games, quizzes about Stone Fox!
Watch this video about a real 1,000 mile sled dog race.
Practice your skills with these cool activities for Ch. 1-8!
Practice with the words from Chapters 5-8!
Learn more about the way pioneers depended on the buffalo.
Read what people who traveled the Oregon trail wrote about their journeys.
Watch this video to see how the US map might have been very different!
Check out this cool way to learn!
Practice our words from the last part of the book!
Take the quizzes after each chapter. Print them and put them in your folder. Then you can go back and click on Activities.
Play the games to learn your words! Download the iReview app to use on iPod touch, too!
Practice with vocabulary words from the book!
Practice with vocabulary words from the book!
Play this game to learn even more about good eating!
Go after you finish Chapter 2.
After you finish Chapter 3, click on Biography. Click on Interview to read an interview she had with herself.
Practice with the words from Chapters 1-6
Practice with more words from the book!
Go after you have read Chapter 5. You can follow along in your book!
Practice with more words from the book!
Scroll down the page to learn more about the author. You can also click on the Books link at the top left corner of the page to
See a chocolate car made with 1800 pounds of Belgian chocolate! WOW!!
Click on Concentration!
Henry Green is not the only person who loves chocolate. Millions of people around the world love the taste of chocolate. What
Can you complete the puzzle?
Practice these words from the beginning 7 chapters of the book.
Become an expert on these words from the end of the book!
Watch the video of Tarra and Bella! Learn about the elephant sanctuary.
Practice with the words from Chapters 1-3
Practice with the words from Chapters 4 & 5
Practice with more words from the book!
Practice with words from the end of the book!
Click the Grow button and see if you can grow the plant to its full healthy height.
See a video and learn more about why leaves are green and why they change colors!
Scroll to the bottom of the page. Click to see a video of seedlings growing toward the light.
Learn more about how our economy works.
Enjoy this podcast of the family's car trip!
See what a military school would be like for Jeffrey. Do you think he'd like it?
Play the games to learn your words! Download the iReview app to use on iPod touch, too!
Practice with the words from Chapters 4-7!
Play this game to learn even more words!
Play this game to learn even more words!
Practice with more great words!
Can you make the puzzle appear?
Scroll to the bottom of the page. Click to tell the number in different place values.
Scroll to the bottom. Choose the correct number for each place value.
Choose Easy Place Value for a fun way to practice!
Fun to practice word names and standard numerals.
Challenge! Can you match the value of the candles on two cakes?
Super lesson & games to practice your skills!
Super leveled game: test your skills with >,<,= as you box against the genius!
Practice to the half hour
Game to match digital & analogue times to hour.
Stop the Clock matching word names for time with clock faces
Choose Random, Level 1 to start, then move up as you improve!
Stop the Clock to 5 minutes
Stop the Clock to the Minute
Enter the digits to show the missing number.
Enter the digits to show the missing number.
Enter the digits to show the missing number.
Enter the digits to show the missing number.
Scroll to the bottom to test your skills with even and odd numbers!
Awesome way to practice your skills!
Awesome game: blast the Odd ghosts!
Blast the Even ghosts!
Challenging! How many clicks will you take to reach the number?
Do one step problems to test your skills!
You can play two levels of difficulty with this fun game.
Click to test your skills with addition!
Practice your facts with this cool game!
Click on each student to collect data and create a Frequency Table
Watch this new video and take the quiz. User name: victorps Password: Newark
Create graphs with this cool website. Challenging!
See how two sides of a trapezoid always remain parallel
A game for 2 players like Tic-Tac-Toe
See how opposite sides of a hexagon always remain parallel.
See how the sides of a rhombus always stay the same length.
Watch this video to learn more about symmetry in our world!
Test your skills on these shapes!
Explore all these activities to become a Symmetry Expert!
What are congruent figures?
What are similar figures?
Find shapes that are congruent.
Great practice with congruent rectangles! Lots to do here with Rikki Rectangle.
Create congruent triangles with lines.
Can you tell which congruent shapes fit exactly around a point?
Can you tell which shapes are congruent or similar?
Click to test your skill as a Robot Guru. Scroll down to
This is a fun way to review the ways shapes can move.
Super site! Scroll down to do these games: Fractions-Parts of a Whole, Fractions-Naming, Fractions-Visualizing, and Fraction Pie
Can you fill in the numerator and denominator to match the shaded parts of shapes?
Shade in the correct number of pieces to equal a fraction.
Work with fractions as parts of groups.
Play this cool game to build better fractions skills!
Build your skills with this cool site that we used in class!
Fill in the correct numerator or denominator
Can you tell which fractions are equivalent?
Scroll to make the pieces on a square equivalent.
Divide a shape to create and color equivalent parts.
Use Safari to view this website on a Mac computer.
Click to launch the equivalent fraction fireworks.
Match equivalent fractions and organize the potions.
Try these different fraction activities!
Learn about tropical fish. Click on the game: What do I like for lunch?
Watch a video and take a pop quiz.
Log in with User name: vcsint, Password: secob. Watch a movie and more.
We watched this in class! See water evaporate and condense again.
User name: victorps Password: newark Watch this new video and take the quiz. User name: victorps Password: Newark
Watch these short videos to learn more about the states of matter
Choose the correct answer for each blank!
Click to see different parts of the Water Cycle!
Click the links to see the Water Cycle in action!
Take this quiz to see if you are a Water Expert!
Can you label the different parts of the process as water changes states?
Can you spot the things that might harm our water?
Facts and pictures about buoyancy
Remember User name (victorps) & password (newark) for this great site!
Watch a video, take a pop quiz and see an experiment. Remember our login
Watch a bullfrog change from tadpole to adult.
Learn all about frogs on this site
Video, audio and facts about this interesting frog
Learn how people are trying to protect frogs around the country
Learn how students were the first to discover some deformed frogs.
Have fun with frogs
Learn all about our friends the frogs!
Remember our log in code and go here to view a movie & do cool activities.
Search for Reptiles to see a clip of Austin Stevens high in the rainforest canopy with a tree boa.
Visit reptiles and amphibians in the Everglades
Explore by exhibit to learn about these interesting animals.
Learn all about these large reptiles
This is a fun way to learn about animals.
Explore by animal
Animals: A to Zoo
How do scientists decide what class an animal is in?
Can you find the simple machines all around us?
See animated examples of simple machines
See examples of machines in motion
Reach Planet Power by fueling your rocket with food & physical activity!
Remember User name (victorps) & password (newark) for this great site!
Click to play Tasty Tunes, Monster Nutrition or others.
Play this game to learn even more about good eating!
Learn about the pyramid, and take a quiz!
You will have lots of fun playing this game!
Remember User name (victorps) & password (newark) for this great site!
Can you put the skeleton together? (Need Adobe Shockwave Full Installed.)
Can you build the skeleton? Click start game to begin.
This is more challenging, but still a great place to learn. User name: vcsint Password: secob
Learn about the different types of joints. Take the quiz and print your score!
Learn about your muscles, and click on the picture to see even more!
Super Scientist! Watch to learn more advanced information about your muscles.