Welcome Guest
A fast way to enter in test answers
Teacher's room name is Mr.Price (no spaces)
Learn how to be safe on the Internet
Safe Search Engine
Safe Search Engine
Advice about school, friends, family and your body from PBS
Group conversations around images, documents, and videos
Upload photos to create music videos
Upload photos to create short music videos
Choose Google Images before searching
Free stock photo search engine
Publish your stories!
Storytown website
Take a test on a book you've read on your own
Greek Mythology
Eagle Ridge library catalog and ebooks
See if there is a quiz and check the point value without logging in
Children's books read by famous actors
Storynory's actors read myths, fairy tale, and original series.
5 folk and fairy tales
Created by Woodlands Middle School
Some are audio, some you can read yourself
Classic and public domain literature read aloud
Graphic Organizers
Graphic Organizers
Shared Documents
Practice your spelling words
Plan a biography, mystery, or other story on Read, Write, Think
Projects and ideas for you to help save the earth
The American Natural History Museum's website for kids
News, games, and information about Earth and the environment
by Switcharoo Zoo
Missouri Botanical Garden
An arctic animal quiz
Can you find the camouflaged animals?
Missouri Botanical Garden
Sheppard Software
Sheppard Software
Choose the best adaptations to survive in the ocean
Build a cell to survive a disaster!
Rocks, Minerals, and Earth Science
Search the mineral and gemstone kingdom
American Museum of Natural History
American Geological Institute
Geography for Kids
The Climate Institute
Choose the energy source that best fits in each environment.
What can we do to reduce climate change?
Eat the non-renewable energy!
From the California Energy Commission
Build a machine to fulfill the orders.
Help JiJi reach her goal!
Conquer the World of Math
Log in on the top right corner, then click ConnectEd
Stick to the "Math Arcade," not Poptropica
Electronic Math manipulatives
Practice all kinds of math skills
Addition and multiplication practice, username ToughBobcat582, password eagleridge
Make sure you choose a math game!
Many math pratice skills
Make a 10 by picking up monsters!
Begin with the link "Identify"
Matching fractions with pictures
Matching fractions without pictures
Place three equivalent fractions in each circle
Use your knowledge of fractions to rescue alien ships and collect coins!
This is an excellent multiplication game, but it requires installation on the computer you're using. The password to get to our
Many multiplication games
Eliminate the numbers with the same sum or difference as the total of the dice
Find three cards that make an addition sentence but all have different colors.
Choose the number that can be made by adding or multiplying two other numbers in the hexagon.
by Math Playground
Choose student log in, enter teacher name "eagleridge", password "eres"
Find the expression that equals each number
Measuring lines from FunBrain.com
Measure the fish and move it to the the right tank.
Measuring to the nearest inch from Mr. Anker
from the Kidz Page
Choose the level of precision (whole inches, half inches, etc.)
Estimate and measure length
Tricky! from Soft Schools
Many math practice and racing games
Many math games, go down to "Numbers"
Making change game
Money Games
Give correct change
Coin Values
Counting Coins
Count the coins and compare
Create the given value
Choose really hard
Help the robot jump across using elapsed time.
@ OnlineMathLearning.com
Round to the nearest 10
Round to the nearest 100
Choose your difficulty and take a shot!
Board Game
News for Kids
A collection of biographical information from the Biography Channel
Beware, there are many adds!
difficult reading
difficult reading
difficult reading
The British Museum
From Ducksters
from National Geographic
by Scholastic
Enchanted Learning's online dictionary
by the Library and Archives of Canada
by PBS Kids
National Maritime Museum
Map of history's greatest journeys
Click on Pathfinders for a list of people
Videos about consumerism
Can you run a successful beverage business in space?
Anyone can learn to code!
Google coding site aimed at girls (but good for anyone!)
Create stories, games, and animations
Code games, apps, and websites (a little trickier!)