Welcome to MNPS Course Outlines' Links
All documents found on PortaPortal can be found at this link.
technology help
Graphic organizers
Information for all grades on books to integrate into any subject areas.
lessons and online games
lessons and interactives
This site has an activitiy, lesson plan or website for nearly every standard!
All documents found on PortaPortal can be accessed with this link.
Check for monthly hands on math!
Lots of printable resources.
Wide range of teacher resources
Activities related to Treasures Reading Series
FREE online gradebook!
FREE online rubric maker
FREE online rubric maker & other teacher tools
Customize printable materials for your classroom
Flash full screen clock
stopwatch, egg timer, etc.
Directions for how to play several math games that require few materials- for home or school!
2nd grade lesson plans- all subjects
for use in 1st 9 weeks
for use in 1st 9 weeks
printable maps and flags available
A tour of the white house
For graphic organizers
Sky Watchers
Sky Watchers
Sky Watchers
Sky Watchers
Sky Watchers
Sky Watchers
TN PowerPoints & Resources
Integrated lesson plans based on the life & times of Woody Guthrie
This site has an activitiy, lesson plan or website for nearly every standard!
Sky Watchers
Sky Watchers
Sky Watchers
Sky Watchers
Sky Watchers
Sky Watchers
Sky Watchers
Sky Watchers
Sky Watchers
Sky Watchers
Sky Watchers
Sky Watchers
Powerpoints & resources for studying the Western Hemisphere
from Education World
Sky Watchers
Sky Watchers
Sky Watchers
Sky Watchers
Sky Watchers
Sky Watchers
All documents located on PortaPortal may be accessed through this link.
school-home reading activities from the Dept. of Ed.
A list of children's literature and math concepts
You will need your public library card #.
Register to download lessons
resources for students
resources for teachers
comprehension strategies
How to organize your classroom library.
Use to teach number sentences.
sight word practice
sight word practice
All documents found on PortaPortal can be accessed through this link.
great TCAP preview for all 6th grade subjects
Lesson plans on many subject areas
Tips to help students in reading math.
Tips on how to guide students fo reading science information.
Tips for guiding students for reading social studies.
Calculator activities for every ability level.
Online magazine with links for math, writing, science, art, social study, current event, art, and much more!
Site to choose the type of stopwatch to countdown
Free Videos
6th grade TN standards for all subjects
A complete Egypt website including a demonstration of mummification
Translation of English to Babylonian
Search the site for eyewitness acounts and more.
Write your name in ancient scribe
Ancient Egypt printable activities and links
Translate full sentences into hieroglyphics
Many links on hieroglyphics, gods, mummies, Nile River, pyramids, and so much more!
This is a live webcam site to view the pyramids. Remember there is a time difference!
Student friendly website on Ancient African culture
Ancient Egyptian webquest
Lots of latitude and longitude games & activities
Map collections, map maker, atlases and more
Real-world, applicable, latitude and longitude exploration page
Test your knowledge about cities around the world
Includes maps of current events and general maps.
Blank, printable maps
Printable geography quiz
Website with complete information on NHD
Timelines, resources, due dates for NHD
Guide Billy to the coordinates hiding the food
Worksheets for mulitple operations, graph paper, base ten, measurement, holidays and more!
Games designed to help students learn the times tables
Math worksheet generator for the 4 basic operations, mixed problems, fractions, measurement, graphing, and telling time
Interactive graphing simulator
Interactive digital resources for teaching math
Run your own lemonade stand while strengthening conversion and problem solving skills
Choose from multiple types of graph paper options.
This website has thousands of free mathematics enrichment materials (problems, articles and games).
Site provides an explanation and practice of the arithmetic properties.
A "Fair Exchange" interactive game that illustrates properties of operation.
An interactive game that demonstrates the distributive property.
Problems to solve that exemplify how to use patterns and memory in finding the solutions
A lesson plan to demonstrate the many uses of graphs.
Interactive and explanatory sites for lessons, stategies, operations, and glossary.
Tips and tricks on how to communicate mathematically
Great list of books that link to math
Movie clips with math in them-useful for introducing the language of math
Great information on the development of math
Activities designed to introduce algebraic patterns, relations, variables and functions Grades
Hands-on activity to help students learn to use variables and write equations
Self-checking quizzes for comparing and ordering integers
Great for displaying problems with integers and the step-by-step solutions
Interactive site for practicing the order of operations
A QuickTime movie demonstrating the order of operations
An interactive test on reading coordinates on a graph
A visual and written definition of coordinates
Math Curriculum Guide
Printables for graphing (pictographs, line graphs, blank graphs, etc.
Word problem printable worksheets
Mr. Duey: Learning Through Rap
Extended links and lessons for students, teachers, and families
Many suggestions and links on improving reading fluency
Quick lessons for teaching a variety of successful reading techniques
Joseph Campbell's story structure analysis and how stories are structured
Great list of books that link to math
This site has an activitiy, lesson plan or website for nearly every standard!
Fill in the different parts of speech to create a wild and wacky tale that will entertain the students!
PowerPoint Collection for ELA
Student Printable Peer Editing Checksheet
Individual Student Printables
Printables for Graphic Organizers
Student Practice Printables
Interactive page to show students how to solve an equation with an unknown variable
Interactive math resources to use on an interactive whiteboard or computer
interactive game for fractions
Pre-algebra game from another dimension. Fun!
Lots of fraction games!
Interactive and explanatory sites for lessons, stategies, operations, and glossary.
Worksheets for multiple operations, graph paper, base ten, measurement, holidays and more!
Games designed to help students learn the times tables
Math worksheet generator for the 4 basic operations, mixed problems, fractions, measurement, graphing, and telling time
Interactive digital resources for teaching math
Choose from multiple types of graph paper options.
Great list of books that link to math
Interactive division game
Online flashcards with immediat feedback
Mixed factions with lines
Plan a park while playing a game of percentages
Explanation and interactive site for ratio practice and understanding
Explanation and interactive worksheet providing feedback on answers
Interactive practice on writing and solving algebraic equations
Video on solving multi-step equations
Video on solving algebraic equations using inverse operations
An online visual of how to solve inequalities
Downloadable .pdf detailing an algebraic activity utilizing Dr. Seuss' story
Activity for writing an algebraic expression
Fun games for expressions, equation solving and graphing in the coordinate plane
Interactive game to investigate the relationships of numbers in an equation
Word problems to be used for developing algebraic equations
Fraction worksheets
Mr. Duey: Learning Math through Rap
Decimal worksheets
Extended links and lessons for students, teachers, and families
Extended links and lessons for students, teachers, and families
Quick lessons for teaching a variety of successful reading techniques
Great list of books that link to math
This site has an activitiy, lesson plan or website for nearly every standard!
Student Webquest for Understanding Figurative Language
Student Printable Peer Editing Checksheet
Ready to use PowerPoint Slideshows for ELA
Gives students a variety of creating writing topics to choose from...
FREE Graphic Organziers (Studnet Printables)
GREAT Printables and Interactive Printables
Individual Studnet Interactive Reading Passages about Science with Reading Comprehension
A plethora of China websites for student use
A 360 degree panaramic photo from the Great Wall
Student friendly website about Mulan and ancient China
Thematic Unit on China
Student Printable
Detailed information about gods' genealogy
Mythweb encyclopedia
Students can select a god or goddess after reading the information and immediate feedback is provided on the answer.
Good for beginners, intermediate, and advanced
Quizzes, interactive games, and online activities
Search the site for eyewitness accounts and more.
Ancient Greece printable activities and links
Awesome interactive program to teach students about ancient Greece.
Powerpoints, interactive games, family trees, lesson plans and more!
Ancient Greece webquest
A slide show of the Harappan ruins
Good information on Harappan civilization and its disappearance
Online interactive graphing simulator
A great interactive tool to show angles and how to use a protractor
A lesson plan that allows students to explore geometric patterns and relationships, specifically the Triangle Inequality Theorem
Lesson plan to lead students in exploring the relationship of the sides of a triangle
Interactive and explanatory sites for lessons, stategies, operations, and glossary.
Worksheets for mulitple operations, graph paper, base ten, measurement, holidays and more!
Games designed to help students learn the times tables
Math worksheet generator for the 4 basic operations, mixed problems, fractions, measurement, graphing, and telling time
Interactive digital resources for teaching math
Choose from multiple types of graph paper options.
Great list of books that link to math
Activity that provides explanation and feedback on how to determine if a two-dimensional figure can be folded into a three-dimen
Activity on similarities, indirect measurement and proportions
Interactive site for finding the area of different types of triangles while providing immediate feedback on the answers
Downloadable .pdf lesson plan for that the sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle must be greater than the third side
Lesson pages, practice and teacher resources for angles
Explanation, examples and worksheet for polygons
Visuals of alphabet geometry illustrating transformations
A visual and written definition of angle of rotation
Interactive game of matching the shape with other shapes in a vortex
Examples, questions, explanations and feedback on line reflections and coordinate geometry
Provides an explanation along with an interactive section that provides immediate feedback on answers
This applet shows how the area and circumference of a circle compare to its radius and diameter
An interactive game provide immediate feedback on the answers
An activity to give students an understanding of estimation
A problem to compare the volumes of a cone, a cylinder and a hemisphere.
Geometry worksheets
Radius and Diameter worksheets
Extended links and lessons for students, teachers, and families
Extended links and lessons for students, teachers, and families
Quick lessons for teaching a variety of successful reading techniques
Great list of books that link to math
This site has an activitiy, lesson plan or website for nearly every standard!
Printable for Peer Editing
Ready to use PowerPoint Slideshows for ELA
Students can select creative writing topics from this Website!
Printables for Graphic Organizers
Pictures of family crests
This is an amazing website filled with power points and games for the middle ages
A great resource for teachers
Search the site for eyewitness accounts and more.
A fun game that models how feudalism worked.
Ancient Roman Empire printable activities and links
Many informational links to explanations on ancient Rome.
Interactive and explanatory sites for lessons, stategies, operations, and glossary.
Worksheets for multiple operations, graph paper, base ten, measurement, holidays and more!
Games designed to help students learn the times tables
Math worksheet generator for the 4 basic operations, mixed problems, fractions, measurement, graphing, and telling time
Interactive digital resources for teaching math
Choose from multiple types of graph paper options.
Great list of books that link to math
Lesson plans for students to develop winning game strategies based on probable outcomes of events.
Lesson plan for students to predict the fairness of a game and organize and conduct a systematic investigation.
Free interactive lessons on range and mode, plus practice exercises.
An explanation, activity and quiz
Use this spinner to show the experimental and theoretical probabilities
Printable Practice for Radius and Diameter
Homepage for Mr. Duey Math Rap
Printables for Graphing (Pictographs, line graphs, blank graphs, pie graphs, etc.)
Printables for Geometry
Extended links and lessons for students, teachers, and families
Extended links and lessons for students, teachers, and families
Quick lessons for teaching a variety of successful reading techniques
Great list of books that link to math
This site has an activitiy, lesson plan or website for nearly every standard!
Student Review: PowerPoint Templates- Jeopardy, Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader, Wheel of Fortune, etc.
Homepage for R.L. Stine - Goosebumps
Interactive Reading Passages with Assessment - Science Topics
Worksheets and Student Review Activities
Explorer links, games, routes and more
Create your own review game (Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader?, Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, etc.)
All documents on PortaPortal can be accessed through this link.
create your own math assessments
Each story in your book has great vocabulary, spelling, and slide shows for backround knowledge-use projector or computer lab to
Language lesson plans all standards
Activities and lessons plans for new standards
History, Diagram, How to Use a Microscope
Technology is embedded in all areas of science
Interactive Website
Investigate different types of materials.
Working with Microscopes
Interactive Website
Embedded in all Science Kits
Description of various biomes using a climograph
Earthquakes in Tennessee
A virtual tour of the universe
Astronomy Games
Numbered climograph/biomes
Daily Math Problems-great bell ringer
place value
Math and children's literature
Daily minute math
Find mean, median, mode measuring buildings
Story to remember <, >, and =
Diagram, history, how to use the microscope
Daily editing sentences
Editing paragraphs with topics relevant to the month
After reading have reading partners play w/ these cards
Academic games
website to answer questions about any subject
Great interactive games for all subject areas
Math History
numbers to millions
How do I know which measure of central tendency to use
Links for Students, Teachers, and Families to enhance reading skills
Sentence structure games
Madlibs for parts of speech
Parts of speech
Lesson Plan with TONS of great links for parts of speech
Interactive games for parts of speech
Lots of links
Incorporates listening and speaking
Problem Solving
Division Problem interactive game
Concentration game for rounding
Rounding game
Lesson with facts, games, quiz, and worksheet
lesson plan for division with remainders
interactive division games
Decide if a fraction is more or less than 1/2
Interactive Website
Tongue twisters
Includes: Interview a Woman in your Life, Dear Mr. President, Headline Hunt, etc
Read Aloud and Student Online Quiz
Links to writing poetry and poetry book
Interactive Webquest
Great for teaching students about usage of resources!
Plant and Animal Cells Webquest featuring Analogies
Tennessee 7th Grade Vocabulary Terms
Science resources, lessons and labs for engineering standards
Free science classroom resources for teachers
Science resources for teachers
Biology resources for teachers
Physics resources for teachers
Science resources for teachers
Biology resources for teachers
Close-up view of the "Peruvian Lilly"...flower anatomy
Earth science resources for teachers
Student sheets for writing the science fair question and hypothesis
Student sheet for recording science fair data
Science Fair poster rubric used after students have identified the question and understand the variables
Student instructions for writing the results section of a science fair report
Student sheet for writing materials and procedures
3 examples of hypotheses
Student sheet for writing a conclusion
All documents on PortaPortal may be accessed through this link.
math lessons and online games
subscription site but many areas are free.
Many free lesson plans and activities
by deb wilson- tons of links by subject
by pam- links by math skill area
• This website has each standard with websites and activities under each standard.
• Another awesome standards website with activities and websites under each standard.
This website has each standard with websites and activities under each standard.
• Another awesome standards website with activities and websites under each standard.
• This website has each standard with websites and activities under each standard.
Lots of great resources for social studies standards
• This website has each standard with websites and activities under each standard.
Another awesome standards website with activities and websites under each standard.
• This website has each standard with websites and activities under each standard.
function machine- set to find input, output, or the function rule
function machine
Students drag numbers into machine and see what comes out to determine the rule and other outputs.
List of 8th grade Tennessee Academic Vocabulary
Games and Activities
Clearinghouse for activities, websites and worksheets on Chemistry and Biology Concepts
Science Activities, Trivia and Teacher resources
Free Flashcard site
Professional Association for Science teachers;articles, activities and opportunities
Activities and Games for students, sponsored by the University of California at Berkeley
Lesson Plans, Contests, Science Fair information, Videos
Site includes activities, movies, virtual labs, webquests and other resources
Puzzles, Games and Activities
from MLK
from Head Middle
from Dickson County