Welcome Fourth Grade!
guest access: clovers
Guest Code: 4sol
guest access: dinelli
Click on home access & enter your student ID and pin number
Grades 4-5...User name: cloverhill, Password: clover
Grades K-3...User name: cloverhill, Password: clover
Each child's login is the same as their school login
Guest access: chespe
Guest access: jleavey
Guest access: kathleen_matheny
Guest access: chessped
See your teacher for your user name and password
Create a bibliography
Quick facts about a variety of subjects
Information for all subject areas
Get free images for your projects
Internet Safety
Create newspapers from your text
View lyrics and watch the videos to the Schoolhouse Rock songs
Online stopwatch and countdown timer
Get free images for your projects
download a free program and it will read any text you type into the program
Word games to help vocabulary skills
Reading, Grammar, & Writing Activities
Enjoy fun activities that go with our reading textbook
Westminster Kennel Club
read the lesson, then click on the flower to practice
Don't focus on the video, but instead on the lyrics.
Click on numbers 1-8 for several mini mysteries
Read the daily poem and then rate it on the giggle meter
GREAT resources for all math concepts
Click on addition or multipication math puzzles
math puzzles you can do online or print at home
Quick review of math facts
More games are listed at the bottom of the page
Online practice of Multi-step word problems
Math SOL sites for grades K-6
Lessons and songs for various math topics
Scroll down and click on a link to take you to a decimal quiz
Lessons and practice for decimals
CUTE game
Decimal Games
*other math games can also be accessed
Scoll down to select another game
You have to know the commutative, associative, and identity properties.
Watch eagles online!
Watch eagles and falcons online
Science SOL sites for grades K-6
Lessons and songs for various science topics
Information on Physics
Click on the Park World icon
Learn about different animals
Click on "Activity 1"
Click on activity 1 or 2
GREAT photosynthesis video
Put in a date and see the phase of the moon (works for the years: 1915-2015)
Click on an object in space to see pictures of it
AMAZING picture and info about the space station
Click on "Choose an Activity" and select Weather
Click on "The Water Cycle" & "Air Masses & Fronts"
YouTube video
Convert temperatures, wind chill, & heat index
Click on the "snakes" tab on the left
Search for the snake you are researching
Search for the snake you are researching
Click on "snakes" on the left, and then select your snake
Scroll down to see information on different snakes
Click on "reptiles" on the left
Written by a CCPS teacher!!!
Gives QUICK facts about people and places
Guest access: tompkinsss
Social Studies SOL sites for grades K-6
Click on an SOL to see the VA historical markers for each topic
An overview of the history of Virginia's First Peoples from pre-contact to present. Includes interviews with chiefs.
Who's My Legislator?
GREAT online history practice tests-click on SOL Games
Interesting Facts about each president
Info and a game
Math and Science practice quizzes
Resources for grades K-5
GREAT online history practice tests-click on SOL Games
Guest access: tompkinsss
Online testing practice
The podcasts on this website are great as well!
Do the activities after you watch the podcasts