Kay Lera's Portal
has age approprait step sectioned K-2, 3-6 and 7-12
WPS sunscribes to this service
info on Japanese Internment Camps WW2
you make decisions as characters on the railroad
From the college of William and Mary
College of William na d Mary VA geology info
has 3 reading levels
grades 4-8
for K-3
Parents and teachers
National Geographic
collection of Mac activities that may give Windows users a tech integration idea- Each WPS elementary has access to a Mac laptop
sponsored by the National Parks Service
link to web site cooresponding with Reading series
great collection of games and stories!
Information on native americans
great tour using inquiry to guid student learning!
includes movies and audio playes that reads the text to the students.
a nice way t o compare the regional differences that occur in a language.
links to many facts
This page is a nicely organized list of Language Arts activities
direct from the words their way website
make your own traceable words
TERRIFIC games allowing for all types of phonemic awareness practice!
I would model during small group instruction and then allow a reader and non-reader to work together to write their own story.
Harvey Almarode's collection
allows you to choose your denominations on the ruler (ie. halves, wholes, fourths)
interactive- great for small groups at the SmartBoard
Hartcourt math Interactive
This website houses many activities allowing children to maniulate shapes, numbers, properties and explore mathematical concepts
Harvey Almarode's colection
math skill practice by levels by Quia
allows you to choose which increment of measurement to use oon the ruler
interactive practice. Scroll down to see the game.
interactive and self-checking
children shade in the shape to mathc the numerical fraction shown
a concentration game Harcourt
interactive using equivalent fractions Harcourt
Pick from a set of fractions the one that is not equivalent/ read directions and the press start over to begin playing
Fraction interactives for many levels grade 1-6/ click on the year. Then the fractions game.
Practice counting change...Go to second year/Money in the bottm right corner
Drag coins and click done to check your answer. Click next for the next problem.
Count add and subtract money
interactive read the instructions ... there is no sound on this game site.
Use as a center in the classroom... allow children to use manipulatives to play the game.
k-3 interactive allowing students to create as many outfits as possible from a limited number of pants and shirts. Make the chi
Allows you to use a spinner and even set the spinner to different colors and porportions! Create a recording sheet to assist c
All about the nervous system
This page houses teaching tips that may help you get started with the inquiry process
K-5 search for science lessons and activities
Allows you to ask questions...out of Harvard University
list of questions facilitators may use to encourage critical thinking
Created at MIT
many choices here
houses many panoramic interactive images allowing you to rotate the pictureas if you were standing at the location filmed