Welcome Guest
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AP Human Geography
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Student and Teacher Resources from the Syllabus
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I. Geography: Its Nature and Perspectives
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II. Population and Migration
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III. Cultural Patterns and Processes
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IV. Political Organizations of Space
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V. Agriculture, Food Production, and Rural Land Use
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VI. Industrialization and Economic Development
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VII. Cities and Urban Land Use
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Language Stations
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Political Boundaries Stations
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Civics Links
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Teacher Materials
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Teacher Sites
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US II History
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USI History
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Topics of Interest
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Civil War
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Revolutiuonary Era
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AP Government
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Unit 1 Foundations of American Democracy
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Unit 2 Interaction of Branches
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Legislative - Congress Article 1
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Unit 3 Civil Liberties and Civil Rights
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Unit 4 Political Beliefs and Ideologies
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Unit 5 Political Participation
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AP Gov Finals
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USVA Government
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