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Slavery Primary Source
Jamestown Adventure
Map of European Land Claims
5th Grade Colony Webpages
St. Augustine
Daily Life in the Colonies
Colonial Webquest
Colonial House
Conneticut colonial family fun!
Well Found in Jamestown Fort
Colonial American Art
A Day in the Life Activities
Proclamation Line of 1763
How Does Government Work?
Inside the Voting Booth
History of Voting
Voting Rights Around the World
Electoral College Map
dialogue lesson
playwrititng with your students
Pam McCutcheon discusses dialogue
figurative language
Figurative Language 2
Ellis Island Webquest
To reach human at customer service
National Weather Service, Wilmington, OH
Gas comparison
webquests for social studies
Bernie Dodge
Underground Railroad
NewsHour Interviews UGRR Freedom Center
Slave story - Family Reunion
Harriet Tubman
Slave Narratives & Uncle Tom
Compromise of 1850 & Fugitive Slave Law
Daily Life on a Plantation
Slave Narratives
Slave Rebellions
Fredrick Douglass Biography
Follow the Drinking Gourd
More Slave Narratives
Slave Narratives from Ohio
Ohio and the UGRR
UGRR Reading Passage Practice
UGRR Interactive Tour
Freedom Crossing Test
"Bury Me in a Free Land" Poem
Harriet Tubman Poem
Songs of the UGRR
On an Underground Railroad
Communication & Codes on UGRR
Aboard the Underground Railroad
Code Words and Passwords
Movie & Quiz
Did Slaves use Quilts as Escape Maps?
African-American Experience in Ohio
Follow the Drinking Gourd exerpt & explanation
American Revolution
Not Only Paul Revere
Colonial Trade
Endangered Animals
Endangered Species
Endangered or Extinct
Ben & Jerry
Competition: Pizza!
The Productive Blue Jean
I can be an entrepreneur
Lemonade Stand Game
The Silk Road
Spice World
The Quest for Gold
World War II
Time Machine: The Great Depression & WWII
Fun Brain Games
Social Studies Book
Scott Foresman~The United States