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Topic 1: Understand Place Value
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4.NBT.A.1 -Place value magnitude
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5.NBT.A.1 and 5.NBT.A.2 - Place value patterns, exponents
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4.NBT.A.2 - Forms of multi-digit whole numbers
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4.NBT.A.3 - Rounding whole numbers
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4.NBT.B.4 - Standard algorithm add and subtract
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4.OA.A.3 - Multi-step problems, correct operation
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4.NF.C.6 - Relate Fractions and Decimals
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4.NF.C.7 - Comparison, Size of Decimals
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5.NBT.A.3a - Read and write decimals
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5.NBT.A.4 - Rounding decimals
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5.NBT.A.3b - Compare decimals
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Topic 2: Add and Subtract Decimals to Hundredths
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5.NBT.B.7 - Add, subtract decimals
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4.MD.A.2 - Money problems
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Topic 3: Fluently Multiply Multi-Digit Whole Numbers
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4.OA.A.1 and 4.OA.A.2 - Multiplication/Multiplication comparison
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4.OA.B.4 - Factors, Multiples, Prime, Composite
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4.NBT.B.5 and 5.NBT.B.5 - multi-digit multiplication
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5.NBT.A.2 Multiplying by a Power of 10
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Topic 5: Use Models and Strategies to Divide Whole Numbers
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4.OA.A.3 - Interpreting Remainders
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4.NBT.B.6 - Divide multi-digit numbers
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5.NBT.B.6 - Divide, 2-digit divisors
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Topic 7 Part 1: Fraction Concepts
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4.NF.A.1 - Equivalent Fractions
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4.NF.A.2 - Compare fractions
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4.NF.C.6 - Relate fractions and decimals
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5.NF.B.3 - Fraction bar as division
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Topic 7 Part 2: Add and Subtract Fractions
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4.NF.B.3a, 3b, and 3c - Build fractions from unit fractions
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4.NF.B.3d - Model addition, subtraction fraction problems
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4.NF.C.5 - Denominators of 10 and 100
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5.NF.A.1 and 5.NF.A.2 - Unlike deonminators
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Topic 8: Multiply Fractions and Topic 9: Divide Fractions
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4.NF.B.4a, 4b, and 4c - Multiply fractions by whole number
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Topic 4: Multiply Decimals and Topic 6: Divide Decimals
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5.NBT.A.2 - Decimal placement Mult/div by power of 10
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5.NBT.B.7 - Multiply, divide decimals
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Topic 11: Convert Measurements
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4.MD.A.1 - Relative size of measurements
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4.MD.A.2 and 5.MD.A.1 - Measurement conversions
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Topic 12: Represent and Interpret Data
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4.MD.B.4 - Line Plots with Fractions
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Topic 13: Write and Interpret Numerical Expressions
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5.OA.A.1 - Order of Operations
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5.OA.A.2 - Numerical Expressions
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Topic 14: Graph Points on the Coordinate Plane
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5.G.A.1 and 5.G.A.2 - Coordinate Grids, 1st quadrant
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Topic 15: Algebra: Analyze Patterns and Relationships
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Topic 16: Geometry - Two-Dimensional Figures
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4.G.A.1, 4.MD.C 5a and 4.MD.C.5b- Angles and lines
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4.MD.C.6 - Measuring angles
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4.MD.C.7 - Additive angles, missing measurements
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4.G.A.2 - Classify 2-D figures
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4.G.A.3 - Symmetry
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5.G.B.3 and 5.G.B.4 - Classify quadrilaterals
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4.MD.A.3 - Rectangle area and perimeter
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5.NF.B.4b - Area with fractional side lengths
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Chapter 1: Numerical Expressions and Factors
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6.NS.B.2 - Division with standard algorithm
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6.NS.B.4 - Factors, GCF, multiples, LCM, Distributive property
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6.EE.A.1 - Expressions with Exponents
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Chapter 2: Fractions and Decimals
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6.NS.A.1 - Divide fractions by fractions
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6.NS.B.3 - Standard algorithm all operations decimals
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Chapter 3: Algebraic Expressions and Properties
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6.EE.A.2a, 2b, 2c - Expressions - translate, evaluate
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6.EE.A.3 -Properties for expressions, includes factoring
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6.EE.A.4 - Equivalent expressions, substitution
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Chapter 4: Areas of Polygons
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6.G.A.1 - Area of polygons
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6.G.A.3 - Polygons on coordinate grids
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Chapter 5: Ratios, Rates, and Percents
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6.RP.A.1 - Define and write ratios
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6.RP.A.2 - Rate, unit rate
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6.RP.A.3a,3b, Equivalent ratios, tables, proportional reasoning
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6.RP.A.3c - Ratios for percent problems
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6.RP.A.3d - Ratios for transforming units, conversion
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Chapter 6: Integers and the Coordinate Plane
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6.NS.C.5 - Integers concepts
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6.NS.C.6a, 6b, and 6c - Negative values on lines and grids
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6.NS.C.8 - 4 quadrant graphing, absolute value
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Chapter 7: Equations and Inequalities
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6.EE.B.5 - Inequality solutions
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6.EE.B.7 - Write and solve equations
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6.EE.C.9 - Independent / Dependent variables
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6.EE.B.6 - Using variables
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Chapter 8: Surface Area and Volume
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6.G.A.4 - Nets and surface area
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5.MD.C.3a, 3b, and C.4. - Volume, unit cubes
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5.MD.C.5a, 5b, 5c - Volume formulas, composite figures
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6.G.A.2 - Volume, fractional edges
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Chapter 9: Statistical Measures and Chapter 10: Data Displays
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6.SP.A.2 - Data distribution
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6.SP.A.3, 5c, and 5d - Measures of Center , Variability
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6.SP.B.4 - Dot plots, histograms, box plots
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6.SP.B.5a and 5b - Data collection summaries
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ENRICHMENT - Numbers and Operations
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Number Sense and Place Value
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Primes, Factors, Multiples, and Divisibility
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Number Facts and Computation
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Integers and Coordinate Grids
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ENRICHMENT: Fractions, Decimals, Percents
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General Fraction Concepts
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Equivalent Fractions
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Ordering Fractions
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Fraction Operations
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Ordering Decimals
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ENRICHMENT: Ratio and Proportion
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ENRICHMENT: Geometry and Measurement
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Area / Perimeter
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Time and Money
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ENRICHMENT: Data Analysis
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Types of Graphs
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Mean, Median, Mode
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ENRICHMENT: Probability
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ENRICHMENT: Functions and Algebra
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ENRICHMENT: Math Games and More
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ENRICHMENT: Thinking Skills and Logic