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All about the largest Cambrian superpredator
With references
With references; this one is about other BS-like faunas
Awesome page with diagrams and descriptions of important fauna!
Official page
Keep a list of the books you've read
Got a grammar question?
Gets you on the right track, but not a substitute for reading the books
Complete works online
Different edition of the Complete Works
Excellent, and with links at the bottom!
Not sure if you've written something correctly? Check here. Comprehensive.
All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again.
Ask before you use a Wikipedia page as a source, please
You can get lost in the "Lists" section, good writing
People's darkest secrets!
So you can tune your ukulele. Duh.
Science and reason news
Complete works online
PZ Myers's blog on evolution; not for the faint of heart
Title is pretty self-explanatory
All 1.6 million species on earth
Help scientists sort through millions of galaxies