Links for Teachers
K. Staton (time2learn portaportal)
K. Staton (kstaton portaportal)
R'ham County Teacher's Lounge
The Educators Network
Lesson Plans Page (lessons, nothing printable)
Reading Rocket Teaching Kids How to Read
Tools for Teachers (quiz generator, awards, worksheets...)
Sites for Teachers (many links)
US Dept of Ed
Virginia Department of Ed
Differentiated Instruction Hotlist
T-TAC online (JMU)
The Best on the Web for Teachers
Science and Math Links
Math links
Lots of Powerpoints for different subjects
Richard Mann Elementary resources for students
RCPS hotlists
Sites for everythink K-5
Adrian Bruce Printable/useful resources
Libraries and References
Carteret County School Resource Links
Math Dictionary for Kids
American Manual Alphabet Chart
Braille Chart
Children Online Privacy Act
KidsClick Web search for kids by librarians (Some sites may not be appropriate)
Periodic Table
Multimedia Math Glossary (really cool, with audio)
Online Conversions
Kim Komando's shareware for antivirus, firewall...(awesome)
ASL web browser (look up many words in sign language, most have videos)
Rockingham NETS*T support site
KidsClick Web search for kids by librarians (Some sites may not be appropriate)
Discovery School
How tos for our schoolwire site
Berenstain Bears
Downloadable Books from Learning Page
Pencil Flags
God Bless the USA
Brain Pop (movie then quiz, nouns verbs...)
Up To Ten (Many games, activities, printables)
Fireworks (just click on the screen and enjoy)
Games of Logic and Reasoning
Who Dunnit? (Forensic Science for Kids)
Harrisonburg City
Crafts for Kids
Monk e -mail
Birthday Facts
sol sites
online for all grades
SOL SOS Jeopardy Quiz 3rd and 5th grade
SOL Practice Test Links 3rd grade
Jefferson Lab
Social Studies Poster Sets
K-3 History and Social Sciences
SOL Online Practice Tests
SOL Resources (All grades, not tests)
3rd grade SOL tests and resources
Quia 3rd grade SOL
Interactive Quizzes
Butts Road Intermediate SOL Practice Test (some repeats)
Jeopardy Games
Social Studies Jepordy
Science Jepordy
Social Studies Jepordy
Math Powerpoint Measurement
NTTI lesson
SVTC login
Places to find grants
places from Dell
Grant Alert
School Grants
DOE Grants
more sites for grants
many grants
Lesson Plan Templates
Weekly Planner Elemen PDF
Block Week Planner PDF
Individual Lesson Plan PDF
Tech Integrated Lesson Plan PDF
Blank Block Lesson Plan PDF
Decorate the house
Presidents' Day (Color all the presidents)
Santa Claus
Santa's Work Shop
Language Arts
Starfall (AWESOME)
Letter rip (find words from attached letters) addictive
The ABC Game
Primary Games
Learning Page (Tommy Tales)
Fun Brain Mad Libs (interactive)
Journal Writing Calenders
Peanut Butter and Details
Writing Prompts (pencil)
Book Pals read by famous stars
Sentence Builder
Print and Learn math sheets (many levels)
National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
Little Animals Addition and Subtraction (3 levels) Interactive SB
Pick a Number math patterns (some interactive some printable)
Dosity Addition (K-1) interactive
Dosity Subtraction (K-1) just click subtraction icon and watch
Lemonade Stand (interactive game)
Mrs. Bogucki Create money math sheets
Geometric Patterns interactive SB
Counting on a Cloud interactive SB
Tanagram interactive challenging
Tessellation interactive SB
Count Along to 100 interactive
Counting on the numberline interactive SB
CoolMath 4 Kids 11 activities
The Frog Puzle interactive SB
Math Challenge interactive timed
Fun Brain (very good) math link
Print and Learn Math Sheets and Resources
Math Surf (many ideas)
Math Advantage Hardcourt Publishing (Activities for all grades)
What is a Tessellation?
Patterns in Nature
Cool Math Sites
K-5 Math sites
More Math Sites
Scholastic Flashlight Reader (need to creat ID, features different books)
Tumble Books login:newport password news (awesome)
Pre-schoolbooks on line
More books on line most with audio
Elementary Library (interactive stories with audio)
BBC Story Circle (some printable so with audio/animation)
BBC Tweenie stories
Kidz Club (different levels, printable audio)
Book Pals
Video Links for classroom use
United Streaming (Awesome)
National Geographic's Videos in the News
Video on Yahoo (some top stories, some you won't need)
Dinosaur Videos from Discovery Channel
Volcano Videos from Discovery Channel
10 Most Watched Videos from Discovery Channel (they change frequently)
Robot replicates itself From Discovery Channel (interesting)
Titanic Video series from Discovery Channel
Discovery Channel's Video Features
Eye Anatomy
My Body (interactive, great sound effects)
Ladybug Maze
Leaf Identification (scroll down to leaf key)
Teaching Children about Trees (Arbor Day Foundation)
National Arbor Day Home PAge
The Monarch Butterfly
Journey into Amazon (from PBS)
Rain Forest Report Card (lots of info)
Passport to Knowledge (for teachers and students)
Paleontology links
The Big Dig (Dinosaurs) from American M of nat History
Dinosaur Exhibit (Smithsonian)
Sue at the Field Museum
Dino Russ
Nasa Connect
Nasa Kids
Virginia-Carolina Peanuts All About Peanuts
Apple Education (great links and ideas)
The Wild Classroom (videos)
Kaleidoscope (for upper grades, computer and information skills)
Carteret County School Tech Web Resources
Integrating Tech in the Classroom (only available until 9/30/05)
Power Point in the Classroom (Excellent!)
Kid Pix Learning Idea
Visual Learning (some examples using Inspiration)
Girls Go Tech (great site for girls)
Trackstar (Palms in the Classroom)
Go Know Software for Palms
Making children's books with technology
Lang. Arts/Math (combo sites)
ABC Teach (lots of free resources)
Busy Teachers' Cafe (lots of cool stuff)
Kid's Page Archive (lots of worksheets great for follow-up)
Seussville University (Reasoning, Math, Science, Reading)
WVPT sites
PBS Kids (Cifford, Arthur, Sesame Street.........)
PBS Kids Go (for a little bit older kids)
WVPT 4 Lerning
NTTI (info, applications, support...)
Children's Authors
Jan Brett (awesome, tons of activities, videos)
Laura Numeroff (If You Give a Moose a Muffin...)
Dav Pilkey (The Adventures of Captain Underpants)
R.L. Stine Goosebumps
Chris Van Allsburg (Polar Express...)
Hans Wilhelm (Bunny Trouble...)
Morris Gleitzman Toad Rage
Curious George
Harry Potter
HP Encyclopedia
Activity Pad (games and activities for the young)
Dr Seuss What Comes Next
Math Surf Color a Pattern
Patterns of a virtual keyboard
Fun School Place the Pattern
Spot the Dinosaur Shadow
Match the sound to the picture (Magic School Bus)
Alfy's Coloring Book
Museums/Fieldtrips/Webquests online
Shenandoah Valley Discovery Museum
Carnegie Meseum of National History
American Meseum of Natural History (NYC)
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
The Field Museum (Chicago)
Glacier National Park (8 different sections with audio)
A Walk in the Woods Virtual Tour with Audio
Apple Webquest (looks good)
Museum of Modern Art
NTTI Master Teacher Sites
Willy The Watch Dog (interactive, 2 player, match time on clock)
BlackDog Clock Game
PBS Kids Time management
NTTI Master Teachers
Jayne Coulter
Dan Stanley
Beth Sellers
Katy Avoli Miller
Amy Gubler
Kate Santhuff
Lin Hill
Marie Lewis
Kathryn Staton #2
Kathryn Staton #3
Roxanne OBrien
Liz Nicholson
NTTI 06 (A collection of portals from NTTI particitants)
JMU Content Teaching Academy
Wiki directory
Kathryn's WIKI site for Clymore Teachers
Samsung Duocam
Sony memory stick 256 mb
mini dv 5 pack
Linksys bluetooth usb adapter pc
bluetooth printer adapter
Palm Zire
Palm Memory Expansion card
piniccle software
kid pix deluxe 3
energize battery
Photo paper
DVD burner
Roxio CD DVD burning software
Ulead Video Studio
Print Shop
Daniel Science
Habitat matching Game Scholastic
Habitat Game BBC
Build a Prairie
National Geographics Habitats
Create a Panda Habitat
T and T
Jakers! All Night Long
Jakers! Pie Filling
Dragon Tales Search for Mami
Mister Rogers 2 Stories
Disney Channel Mr. Pig and Mr. Duck
The Lemonade Stand
Elmo Goes to the Doctor
Palms in the Classroom
Video from Palm supporting Palm in classroom
Handhelds resources, videos from UNIVERSITY OF SIOUX FALLS
Grants resources from K!@ Handheld
101 Great Educational Uses
Getting Started
Palms in the Classroom various sites and software
Scholastic Lessons on the go
Using Palmâ„¢ OS Handhelds by Midge Frazel
Learning in Hand
Power in the Palm of your Hand by Kathy Schrock
A Day in the Life of An Educator
Free software from no sleep (Quiz wiz is awesome)
Noah Lite dictionary
Due Yesterday
Palm Patriot
ereader for Palms
Match Who
Kinoma Producer
City Zen
Links to software from Kathy Schrock
Fun Stuff
Peanuts Comics (with activities)
Video/Photography Resources
Video Guide
Discovery Sites
DEN (Discovery Educators Network)
Discovery School
Podcasting from Teaching Ideas (Juice)
Learninginhand (Tony Vincent)
Willow Web
KidCast Podcasting in the classroom
Storynory iPod-Ready Stories for Kids
pod safe music network
bit by bit (By A Teacher, For Teachers)
Technology for Teachers
Becoming a Webhead
Educause (Transforming Education Through Information Technologies)
The Wild Classroom (Podcasting to come)
Skype Podcasting in the classroom
Podcasts for educators, schools and colleges
Podcasting Powerpoint (lesson plan)
Find Sounds
TheSupper Dupper Music Looper
Podcast.net The Podcast Directory
GetAPodcast (directory)
Educast Tech Pod Zone
Basic Info on Podcasting from Yahoo