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Lots of games/apps for various math topics for grades K-5
Lots of great math games for all ages
17 math games for grades 1-5
Lots of great math games for place value!
Practice problems for grades PreK - 8 (20 free per day without buying a membership)
Muliplication facts timed practice
Various games for various math skills
Activities for various math skills
Click on grade level tab
Practice quizzes for various math skills
For students in grades 2-3
Lots of fun math games for grades 1-5
Clock activity for grades 1-2
Arcade-style multiplication game (free version available)
Lots of games/apps for various language arts topics for grades K-5
Grammar and reading games for grades 1-5
punctuation, nouns/verbs, conjunctions, and prefixes/suffixes
A variety of grammar games for identifying parts of speech
Lots of idioms with meanings - listed in ABC order
Read-aloud stories and iPad/Android app
Click on the grade level tab
Lots of reading games for grades K-5
Spelling, letter recognition, and writing for beginning readers
Read aloud versions of current books for children
Read aloud stories for all ages
Some games for spelling, typing, and word relationships
Activities for grades K-2
Vocabulary game for grades 2-5
Games and practice activities for 6th graders
Games and practice activities for 7th graders
Games and practice activities for 8th graders
Lots of math and strategy games for all ages
Practice questions for math for grades PreK - 8 (20 problems free per day without a subscription)
Click on grade level tab
Practice quizzes for various math skills
Parts of speech practice
More games dealing with idioms
alphabetical listing of common idioms with meanings
Click on grade level tab
Practice with idioms
Practice plural words
Lots of information about reference materials, spelling, grammar, composition, literature, and much more
An online rhyming dictionary
Practicing root words