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Typing game
Go here to select a writing prompt
Spin the wheel for story ideas!
random prompts generated on-line
Many starter ideas!
Ideas for many poetry forms
Graphic Dictionary
roots, prefixes, and suffixes
14 unit rap videos teaching vocabulary
12 unit rap videos teaching SAT words
List of words
An extensive site for tutorial and test prep
Menu on left has many helpful pages and word lists.
drop down choices 9 questions
Quiz is at the bottom of the page.
10 questions.
8 question quiz
quiz practice for lie vs lay
This one will give you a score.
Quiz is at bottom of the page
practice with homophones
quiz is at the bottom of page
homophone practice
practice with homophones
homophone practice
homophone practice
game with roots, prefixes, and suffixes
Start with Section 1 and progress in order
Includes Diagnostic tests - challenging!
Royalty free 10 minutes plays
home page/access to on line library/alternative ed/schools, etc.
approved search engine
AR/STAR links
Citation Maker
paper grader and checker
Sends report to your teacher's email
– Power Point Presentations for sentence clarity including combining sentences and dangling modifiers.
all of these are useful from sentence building to punctuation
– 18 power point presentations about aspects of writing, commas, and troublesome words. Excellent resource!
Designed for 4th graders but could be useful for lower ability high school students.
Click on the media file link to load the power point.
Choose your grade level!
GOOD practice for the Virginia SOLS!
tutorial for SOL EOC Reading Test
SOL writing practice
Find the specific skill, practice and learn!
choose quiz from list
English Grammar Help Grammar Rules
Troublesome Confused Words
Scroll to the bottom to find the Practice Quizzes #1,2, and 3
Simple Sentence Patterns
Compound and complex sentences
Sentence parts
Drop and Drag examples
Subject/ Verb
Subject Verb Direct Object and Indirect Objects
Predicate Nominatives and Predicate Adjectives
participles, gerunds, infinitives
Do you know which one to use?
Review each section; then take the pop quiz for that section.
44 questions
9 questions
pts of speech defined w/examples
Easy printable quiz
Includes Direct Objects and Indirect Objects.
Punctuation Rules explained
Identify phrase, dependent and independent clauses
Bog article outlinining the correct use of the top ten most confusing words
An additional ten words confused
Choose the correct phrase
Power Point
Power Point Washington State University
A pictoral look at the American poet
Power Point
Power Point
power point
Type in name before beginning quiz.
full text
a fun quiz to determine what character in the Arthurian legends you might be.
Try your hand at the legend trivia!
Try your hand at these archaic words using your context clues and vocabulary skills!
A listing of the code of conduct for knights!
Vocabulary, allusions, idoms
Create your own "I Am" poem
Study guide and sample for writing a "where I'm From" poem
by Lewis Carrol
Is this a good source or not?
Avoiding the crime
A Full Tutorial
Step by Step Instruction for a research paper
Possible topics and links
A Guide to Literary Criticism
A Guide to Literary Criticism
Drag and Drop in the Right Order!
Short movie clip on researching Google
Many sample resources
Choosing Credible Sources
Great site!
Follow the links for each part of the writing process
Basic Writing Help
Includes outlining
Excellent site with links