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Lions at Lunchtime
Africa for Kids
National Geographic for Kids
Scholastic Mayflower
Scholastic Daily Life of Pilgrims and Indians
Scholastic Thanksgiving Feast
Article by a Titanic survivor
Online slideshow
Computer Lab
Children's Museum of Indianapolis
Back Pack
Kindergarten Sites
Alphabet games
Sesame Street
Lots of games
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Word Wheels/ Other word fun
Star Fall
95 Nouns
clifford games
Margaret Hillert online stories
Phonics interactive
Online interactive books
Online stories
Whirlyword machine
Smartboard site
Second Grade
Math interactive sites
facts, measurement,patterns,etc.
two vowel movie
two vowels together,first does the talking
computer lab sites
math,lang.arts interactive sites
Online Dictionary
Merriam Webster
Pirates Past Noon
Pirates Vocabulary
Pirate Flags